Events on the International Children’s Day
Loads of events staged in Romania, on the International Children's Day

Leyla Cheamil, 02.06.2022, 13:00
International Children’s Day is celebrated on the first day of the summer
season, in Romania, but also in many other countries around the world. It is a
perfect opportunity to celebrate childhood, one of the most precious periods of
time in everybody’s life. According to the French-speaking, Romanian-born playwright
Eugene Ionesco, childhood is a world of miracles and wonder, of the creation
bathed in light, emerging out of the darkness, indescribably new and fresh, and
amazing. On June the 1st, all over the country, events dedicated to the International
Children’s Day were staged. The little ones were invited to take part in contests,
workshops, open-air performances and parties. Children enjoyed their celebration
time at the Radio Concert Hall as well; Radio Romania’s Children Choir gave a
concert, but before that, a comics workshop was held, which captivated the
participants. Children in schools across Bucharest were challenged to take part in the
creation of comics, starting off from the ideas suggested by the
coordinator of the Radio Tiddlekins collection, Alexandru Ciubotariu. In the graphic artists’ community, the
collection is known as Ciubi or the Square-shaped Cat. Also, the Parliament Palace opened its gates to children. They were welcomed by the speakers of the
Two Parliament Chambers, entered politicians’ offices, the meeting rooms and
were given details on the activity of Romania’s lawmakers.
The Romanian Senate
took the opportunity to launch the Senat online platform,
where information is made accessible to children as to how the Parliament works and what the laws are. The
Senate Garden was especially decorated for the little ones. They had balloons,
cakes and gifts, but they also visited the stands created by the numerous
embassies and institutions. As they visited the Government building, Romanian
children as well as the refugee Ukrainian children took part in a drawing and painting
contest, whose theme was peace, friendship and love. At the end of the contest,
children were awarded symbolical prizes by the organizers, they were given
books and candies. Also in Bucharest, the BookFest International Book Salon
took off on the very day of June the 1st. On the International Children’s
Day, the Salon staged numerous events dedicated to the little ones, also
celebrating the French-speaking literature through books and comics, all that
staged against the backdrop of the Council of the European Union’s French Presidency.
Elsewhere around the country, in Oradea, in the north-west, the State
Philharmonics Orchestra gave a special concert, including cartoon movie
soundtracks. In Arad, also in the north-west, the International Children’s Day was
celebrated in several districts through interactive games, entertainment music
recitals, modern dance and aerobic gymnastics, but also through educational activities.
The south-eastern Romanian city of Constanta marked the International Children’s
Day through puppet theater stage shows, magic and face painting. In Focsani, in
the east, more than 2,000 children and athletes took part in a flash-mob, in a bid
to set a new world record.