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CSAT takes measures to strengthen the country’s armed forces

Romania’s Higher Defence Council (CSAT) has endorsed a series of measures to strengthen the country’s armed forces against the security background in its eastern neighbourhood

Românii îşi vor alege în aceeaşi zi eurodeputaţii şi primarii (sursa foto: AEP)
Românii îşi vor alege în aceeaşi zi eurodeputaţii şi primarii (sursa foto: AEP)

, 22.02.2024, 13:50

The severe situation in the Black Sea region and the implications for Romania of Russia’s aggression war against the neighbouring Ukraine were high on the agenda of Romania’s Higher Defence Council (CSAT), which convened in Bucharest on Wednesday.

“The war situation in the neighbouring country maintains the risks of incidents that might affect Romania’s territory and citizens as well as the safety of navigation because of the mines adrift in the Black Sea and Russia’s hostile actions”, the CSAT members have explained.

In this context they endorsed a series of measures aimed at strengthening the Romanian armed forces. The CSAT members have also decided the continuation of the diplomatic initiatives so that Moscow may cease its military aggression in Ukraine.

CSAT has also approved the report on the progress registered in the field of defence planning whose main aim is to come in line with operational planning and integration of national priorities, including those, which aren’t part of the present capability package. The presidential administration has explained that Romania’s plans for developing capabilities are being reflected properly in the 2023 Defence Planning Directive as well as in the Romanian Army 2040 programme.

Both documents are being supported by a national political commitment, which allows Romania to achieve the goal of earmarking 2.5% of its GDP to Defence, out of which 2% are for fitting the armed forces with the equipment they need.

The CSAT members have also assessed the activity in the field of cybersecurity and endorsed a series of priority actions that the Cybersecurity Operative Council must focus on this year.

These are meant to contribute to the development of the national cybersecurity system and the consolidation of the prevention and deterrence capabilities. Last, but not least, the members have reviewed the CSAT activity last year and decided to submit their activity report for Parliament approval.


Photo: JoshuaWoroniecki /
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