Comprehensive measures for the Romanian health system
Romanias new Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu plans to reinstate peoples trust in the countrys medical system.

Leyla Cheamil, 26.05.2016, 13:38
Economist Vlad Voiculescu, who has an extensive management expertise in the financial banking sector and former head of cabinet with the Finance Ministry is, as of last week, Romania’s new Health Minister.
Voiculescu has also been involved in several social projects in the health sector, such as the cancer-treatment drugs’ network which he initiated in 2008, that saw over 400 volunteers from throughout Europe transporting to Romania, free of charge, essential drugs in the treatment of cancer, drugs that were no longer available in hospitals and pharmacies across Romania.
“It is very important to reinstate people’s trust in the Romanian health system,” the new minister has said. He made this statement in his first news conference right after being sworn in, against the background of the scandal of diluted biocides used in Romanian hospitals.
Resuming investment in the construction of new hospitals and the issue of hospital-acquired infections are among Minister Voiculescu’s priorities, just like finding a solution to the shortage of essential medicines. According to the World Health Organisation essential medicines are those that satisfy the priority healthcare needs of the population and are available within the context of functioning health systems at all times, in adequate amounts, in the appropriate dosage forms, with assured quality and adequate information, and at a price the individual and the community can afford.
Vlad Voiculescu: “Surely, I’m not the first minister facing a shortage of cheap medicines in hospitals but I definitely want to be the last and the solution does not lie with an individual but with the whole system, that should be based on clear rules and procedures and on transparency.”
Vlad Voiculescu has also warned that the outdated infrastructure is another problem of the health system, and has given as example hospitals built in the 1970s and even before that date, which endanger the lives of patients and medical staff alike. That is why 150 million euros will be invested in the construction of three new regional hospitals.
Vlad Voiculescu: “Under the Regional Operational programme, 150 million euros has been made available for three new regional hospitals, to be built in Cluj, Iasi and Craiova. We are currently working on the design brief for these hospitals and hope to make significant progress in the following months.”
Another programme that is to be unblocked is the one with the World Bank, signed in 2014. Under this programme, 180 million euros will be made available for investment.
On the other hand, Minister Vlad Voiculescu has announced that the Health and Safety Department will carry out checks throughout the country testing biocides used in public hospitals. The results are to be made public right after being collected.
The Romanian health system is seeing one of its most serious crises after it was found that the disinfectants used in public hospitals had been diluted. Hexi Pharma, the company supplying these biocides, has been prosecuted for actions running counter to disease prevention.