A new university year begins in Romania
A new university year has begun in Romania, with many universities across the country hosting special ceremonies.

Corina Cristea, 03.10.2016, 13:45
A new university
year has begun in Romania, with many universities across the country hosting
special ceremonies. There are lots of new changes this year, including the
introduction of more than 30 new specialisations and degrees and 64 new masters
programmes. Pharmaceutical chemistry, military electronic systems and
equipment, aeronautical radio electronics, digital media and the management of
air surveillance systems are some of these new specialisations.
Despite the fact
that the number of specialisations has grown, the number of students has
decreased, a trend noticeable in recent years. Only around 40,000 young people
begin their studies in state universities this year, according to the education
ministry. In total, the number of students in state universities stands at
480,000 this year, compared to 900,000 ten years ago. Explanations for this
drop include the low rate of high school graduation exam pass, a lower birth
rate and the fact that an increasing number of high school graduates choose to
study abroad. At the moment, there are more than 350,000 Romanian students in
universities abroad, mainly in Europe. Most of them go to universities in
Britain, followed by France and Germany, while the number of Romanian students
choosing universities in The Netherlands and Denmark has also been on the
Another novelty this
year is that all doctoral schools have received temporary authorisations
following an order by the education minister. Since the adoption of the
national education law in 2011, doctoral schools have not been subject to
external evaluations to receive their accreditation.
At the ceremonies to
mark the start of the new university year, rectors welcomed the students with
mobilising speeches. Try to be the best, put your intellectual potential to
good use and believe in your strength!, the rector of the Academy of Economic
Studies in Bucharest Nicolae Istudor urged the new students, while the rector
of the Medical and Pharmacy School Ionel Sinescu said the 159-year-long history
of the school includes some great figures who studied here and who had a
significant contribution to world medical research. According to the
representatives of the Bucharest University, the first week of the new
university year will mostly contain meetings with the new students and events
featuring special guests.