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140 years of Romania-US relations

Romania's Strategic Partnership with the United States safeguards the country's security and prosperity, Bucharest authorities say

140 years of Romania-US relations
140 years of Romania-US relations

, 15.06.2020, 13:50

Declarations in Bucharest and Washington
marked 140 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and the United States
of America, celebrated on June 14, referring to the building and consolidation
of diplomatic ties. Presently, relations between the two countries translate
into a solid and efficient cooperation and political dialogue. Referring to
this event, US Ambassador to Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman recalled Romania is one
of the closest military and economic allies of the United States in Europe. The
Romanian people have no greater friend than the American people, and on their
behalf and on behalf of President Trump, thank you, Romania, for the 140 years
of friendship, and cooperation, and to many more years to come!, Ambassador
Zuckerman said.

On July 11, 1997, during President Bill Clinton’s visit to
Bucharest, the Bilateral Strategic Partnership was signed, fostering Romania’s
role as a factor of stability and security in southeastern Europe. For Romania,
Washington has proved, particularly over the last two decades, it can be a firm
ally in times of dire need, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stated. It’s been
a long road for our two countries, undergoing a process of immense complexity,
the president went on to say. Our common respect for democratic values and the
commitment of several generations of politicians, diplomats, artists and
representatives of numerous professional and social entities have contributed
to consolidating bilateral cooperation, President Iohannis added.

Romania in
turn has proven it can be a reliable partner and active NATO ally that observes
its strong commitments and contributes to Allied defense, together with the
United States. After 9/11, Romania has provided significant support to the
US-led international coalition in the war on terror, contributing troops to
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Romania’s involvement in counter-terrorist
operations and economic reforms have prompted the US to support Romania’s bid
to join NATO. The privileged relationship underlying the Strategic Partnership
represents a strong landmark in a world faced with swift and profound changes,
dominated by security challenges, Klaus Iohannis further wrote in his message.
The sturdiness of the Partnership has been strengthened in the last year by
adding new layers of cooperation in fields such as technology, with economic,
social and political effects to last an entire decade, reads the Joint
Declaration adopted with President Donald Trump on August 20, 2019, during
President Iohannis’s White House visit. In Washington, the Romanian embassy
hailed the joint declaration celebrating 140 years of diplomatic ties, held on
June 11 in the House of Representatives, recalling that Washington and
Bucharest have developed a strategic partnership built on a long-lasting
friendship, historical ties and a shared commitment to promoting security and
prosperity to the citizens’ benefit.

(Translated by V. Palcu)

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