The latest in the investigation of the theft of the Romanian ancient artefacts from the Drents museum in the Netherlands

Sorin Iordan, 07.02.2025, 14:47
THEFT The Romanian Prime Minister’s Investigation Team has discovered a series of irregularities in the process of staging the exhibition at the Drents Museum in Assen, the Netherlands, from where several ancient artefacts loaned out by Romania’s History Museum were stolen a couple of weeks ago. A report, submitted to the Prosecutor’s General Office, says that Romania’s National History Museum and the Ministry of Culture accepted less rigorous security measures than in the case of the similar exhibitions in Madrid and Rome, such as the lack of permanent guards. Another major slip was the fact that the exhibition didn’t get the approval of the Museum’s Board of Directors, as the law requires, and the loan contract had not been done in probated form. Furthermore, the insurance value for some artefacts was based on a 14-year old reassessment.