The anti-missile shield in Deveselu has become operational/ Romania's President has promulgated the 2016 state budget and social securities laws, respectively
Events marking 26 years since the first anti-communist protests continue in Timisoara./The anti-missile shield in Deveselu has been completed. /
Timisoara commemorated the victims of the 1989 anti-communist revolt.
Timisoara mourns Revolution victims, transporters protest in Bucharest against insurance hikes
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A strong Romania is a national project, one we are already building, president Klaus Iohannis told Parliament one year after taking office.
The death toll of the “Colectiv nightclub tragedy has risen to 62/ Ceremonies are being held today to mark 26 years since the flame of the Anti-Communist Revolution of December 1989 was kindled in the Western Romanian city of Timisoara
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Parliament discusses 2016 budget bill; Colectiv death toll reaches 61; far-right loses local elections in France
Three new migrant reception centres will be set up in Romania, adding to the six existing ones.
Parliaments specialist committees discuss the 2016 budget bill before a vote by the two houses on Wednesday.
Moodys has improved Romanias rating from stable to positive/ The state budget bill for 2016 is being debated by the relevant parliamentary committees, with a final vote being expected in a plenary session of Parliament, next Wednesday.