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October 13, 2018

Intervention simulation in case of earthquake, Bucharest International Marathon

October 13, 2018
October 13, 2018

, 13.10.2018, 13:23

Simulation — The largest intervention simulation in case of a strong earthquake in the EU of the past 20 years has started in Romania today. According to the ‘SEISM 2018 — EARTHQUAKE 2018’ drill, the authorities are set to intervene after a quake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale that can be followed by several aftershocks. The drill will last until October 18. For 5 days various situations will be simulated both during the day and at night. International structures will also take part in the drills. Wounded people will be taken out from the debris, intervention cars will run with their flashlights on and military aircraft from other states will come to help transport the wounded. Observers from the EC are present at the QUAKE 2018 drill and also from the expert structures from the US, the World Health Organization and NATO as well as representatives of the foreign press. According to the National Institute of Earth Physics, Romania has 6 important seismic areas. The most active one is Vrancea, in the Curvature Carpathians. In the past 200 years 7 earthquakes took place in Romania measuring 7 on the Richter scale, the latest occurring in 1986. The most destructive quakes in Romania’s recent history were those of 1940 and 1977, both having killed more than 2,500 people and having wounded 15,300 others. In 1977 the 7.3 magnitude quake destroyed around 35 thousand buildings. In Bucharest at present there are almost 4 thousand houses that risk collapsing in the case of a very strong quake.

WB — Romania risks condemning its future generations to poverty because it is not investing in healthcare and education, warns the World Bank. According to a study entitled “Human Capital Index”, Romania has been given 0.6 points which means that today’s newborn babies will have a productivity of only 60% when they grow up as against what they could have if they benefited from proper healthcare and education services. Another index analyzed shows that the percentage of persons aged 15 that will live to reach 60 in Romania is only 87% as compared, for instance, with 91% in Croatia and 95% in Sweden. Within the WB’s Human Capital Index, Romania is ranked behind states with much smaller revenues per capita such as Ukraine, Albania and Georgia.

Marathon — Bucharest is hosting this weekend the International Marathon, a competition that has been organized for 11 years to promote a healthy and active lifestyle in Bucharest. The races for children and teenagers have been scheduled for Saturday and Sunday will see the classical race of about 42 km, followed by a semi-marathon and a relay race. This year’s edition of the Bucharest International Marathon has gathered around 19 thousand people from more than 70 countries.

Buenos Aires — The Romanian swimmer Daniel Martin on Friday won silver in the 200 m backstroke competition at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. This is the second medal Daniel Martin obtained in this contest, after the silver he got in the 100 m backstroke competition. Romania’s delegation to Buenos Aires is ranked 9th in the nations’ ranking drafted on Friday, with 8 medals: 2 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze. Romania’s Olympic team is made up of 34 athletes, 21 girls and 13 boys, who are competing in 14 sports disciplines. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

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