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November 22, 2023

A roundup of domestic and international news


, 22.11.2023, 13:55

NRRP. The European Commission has announced that it has validated the changes made by Romania to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Among other things, there will be more funds for reforms and projects in energy and digitization. A similar decision was announced for Croatia, Finland, Greece and Poland. The new form of the NRRP must be approved by the European Ministers of Finance, after which an implementation decision will be issued by the European Council.

G7+. The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminiţa Odobescu, participated, on Tuesday, in the G7+ meeting on supporting the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, in the Ministers of Foreign Affairs format, at the invitation of the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in which context she emphasized the importance of a constant international support for Kiev. According to the MFA, Odobescu emphasized the role of the US in mobilizing partner states in efforts to support Ukraines energy sector. The head of Romanian diplomacy also mentioned the multidimensional assistance offered by Romania to the neighboring state, stressing the emergency support provided in the energy field. The meeting took place in videoconference format, with the participation of the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmitro Kuleba. The G7+ format dedicated to Ukraines energy infrastructure was launched last November in Bucharest. Officials from the USA, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Sweden and Norway took part in the fourth edition in this format organized on Tuesday , together with representatives of the EU, the European Energy Community and the United Nations Development Program.

Tour. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is travelling, today, to the island of Gorée in Senegal, a UNESCO heritage site, former outpost of the slave trade, where he will meet with local officials. The official talks with his counterpart, Macky Sall, will take place on Thursday, when a series of official documents will be signed. Also on Thursday, Klaus Iohannis will participate in the inauguration of the House of the United Nations in Senegal, the opening of an exhibition of traditional masks and will have a meeting with specialists from Senegal who studied at Romanian universities. Senegal is the last stage of the African tour undertaken by President Klaus Iohannis and his wife, Carmen. The previous stages of the ten-day tour of the Romanian presidential couple were Kenya, Tanzania and Cape Verde.

Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked his government to support an agreement that would pave the way for the release of some of the hostages that Palestinian militants Hamas took to the Gaza Strip after the October 7 attack on Israel. Hamas took about 240 hostages during the attack, which left 1,200 dead, according to Israeli reports. Following the subsequent airstrikes and invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces, Hamas authorities claim that more than 13,300 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 5,600 children. The deal announced between Hamas and Israel providing for the release of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners includes three American citizens, including a three-year-old child, a senior White House official said. He stated that he expects a break in the fighting for a few days and that more than 50 hostages would be released by Hamas. The same official added that Washington is now hoping for a pause in hostilities on Israels northern border with Lebanon, where there are daily clashes between the Israeli army and the Lebanese Hezbollah, which it says is intervening in support of the Palestinian movement.. So far, Hamas has released only four hostages: two American women and two Israelis.

Gaudeamus. The Gaudeamus Radio Romania International Book Fair opened its doors in Bucharest today. Its one of the most anticipated cultural events of the fall, reaching its 30th edition. Until Sunday, more than 500 releases and editorial events will take place at the fair . The longest-running book fair in the country gathers, this year, almost 200 participants, mainly publishing houses, but also educational, cultural and press institutions.

Football. The Romanian national football team won Group I of the EURO 2024 preliminaries, after defeating the Swiss team 1-0 on Tuesday in Bucharest. The tricolors prevailed with the goal scored in the 50th minute by Denis Alibec and finished the group undefeated. As a result of this performance, Romania will be in the second pool at the December 2 draw for the groups of the final tournament in Germany. It is the sixth time that Romanian footballers qualify for the final tournament of the European Championship, after the editions of 1984, 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2016. (MI)

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