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May 9, 2019

Europe Day is marked on May 9.

May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019

, 09.05.2019, 13:51

EUROPE DAY — In a message conveyed today on Europe Day, Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, has said the country will continue to be a supporter of the European project founded on convergence, cohesion, solidarity and sustainable development. Dancila has also said that Bucharest wants a strong European Union, in which all member states enjoy equal, nondiscriminatory treatment, no matter the size of their territory, their geographic position or the years of EU membership. Also today Romania marks the Independence Day proclaimed in 1877 and the Victory Day of the United Nations Coalition in the WW2. Ceremonies devoted to these events are held all across Romania.

SUMMIT — The informal summit of the EU heads of state and government, with the exception of Britain, is being held In Sibiu, central Romania, as part of the Romanian half-yearly presidency of the Council of the EU. The next strategic agenda of the EU for the 2019-2024 period is the topic of the summit. Romanian president Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that the summit will have to provide a clear vision on the EUs future. During the summit, President Iohannis is expected to present Bucharests vision on the strategic programme for the following five years, underlining the fact that the agenda of the political players must be the same as that of the European citizens. The European Council president Donald Tusk previously proposed the participants to adopt a joint statement, which should send a message of unity and confidence in the EU’s joint actions.

LETTER – 21 EU heads of state, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis included, have urged voters to reverse the downward trend in turnout in European Parliament (EP) elections. “The 2019 elections are especially important,” they said in an open letter. They warned that “for the first time since the start of European integration, there are voices calling for steps back on that process, whether on freedom of movement, or the abolition of joint institutions”. The heads of state pledged allegiance to EU values of “freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, justice, and loyalty” and said that only a “strong EU” could tackle challenges such as climate change, terrorism, global trade shifts, and migration.

IRAN – The EU has rejected any “ultimatums” from Iran, according to a joint statement released by the EU, France, Germany, and the UK, France Press reports. Iran said Wednesday that it planned to cease “some commitments” on the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA), that was signed in 2015 with the US, France, China, Russia, and Germany, in answer to the unilateral withdrawal from the deal of the US, a year ago. Tehran had initially agreed to restrict its nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. US President Donald Trump withdrew from the landmark 2015 deal in May 2018. Also on Wednesday, Washington announced new sanctions on Irans iron, steel, aluminum, and copper sectors. (Translated by Elena Enache)

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