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May 31, 2018 UPDATE

Anti-corruption prosecutors voice concerns over possible infringement of prosecutor independence

May 31, 2018 UPDATE
May 31, 2018 UPDATE

, 31.05.2018, 19:40

ANTI-CORRUPTION – Prosecutors with the National Anti-Corruption Directorate Thursday issued a news release warning and expressing concerns with respect to a possible infringement upon the independence of prosecutors. It is the prosecutors response after on Wednesday the Constitutional Court ruled that President Klaus Iohannis has to dismiss the Anti-Corruption Directorate chief, Laura Codruţa Kovesi. The US Embassy to Bucharest confirmed that it was closely monitoring the developments following the Constitutional Courts ruling to dismiss the anti-corruption chief, but emphasised that this is a matter of Romanian domestic politics. The Court ruling was criticised in the street by thousands of protesters, particularly in Bucharest. The Justice Minister Tudorel Toader moved to dismiss the head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate. Following a negative opinion of the Higher Council of Magistracy on the request, President Iohannis refused to dismiss Kovesi, who in turn denied all accusations. After the President announced this decision, Minister Toader referred the matter to the Constitutional Court.

GOVERNMENT – The Government of Romania decided on Thursday to establish a National Office for Centralised Procurement, under an emergency order. The institution is designed to handle all procurement operations by public authorities. The goal is to avoid situations where the same products are purchased at variable prices. Also on Thursday, the Government approved a memorandum on putting together the Economic Code, which should comprise the Tax Code, the Code of Fiscal procedure, the Law on the incorporation of trade companies, the Tax Evasion Law and other laws in the economic field.

TRADE – The US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross announced on Thursday that as of Friday, June 1, the USA will charge duties for the steel and aluminium imports from the EU. The US thus decided not to extend the temporary exemption granted to the Union. As a result, steel imports from EU member countries will be subject to 25% duties, and aluminium imports will be charged 10%. Previously, the French Economy Minister, Bruno le Maire, had said Europe would take all the necessary measures should the USA impose customs duties. France Press comments that Washington made this decision in order to protect the American industry, which was forced to run below its capacity because of the surplus of steel and aluminium in the international market.

MOTORWAY – The European Commission announced on Thursday that 265 million euros out of the Cohesion Fund will be invested in extending a Hungarian motorway to the Romanian border. According to the Commission, the new project will connect the 2 capital cities, Budapest and Bucharest. The project will also support local and regional economies and will promote tourism, the European Commission pointed out.

FOOTBALL – Romanias national football team Thursday beat the defending South American champions Chile, 3-2, in a friendly match in Graz, Austria. The 2 teams, which failed to qualify to next months World Cup in Russia, also played against each other last year, in Cluj, where the Romanians won by the same score. On Tuesday, Romania will play at home against Finland, in a training session for the newly created UEFA Nations League, where it plays in League C, against Serbia, Montenegro and Lithuania this autumn.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

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