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May 22, 2020

A roundup of domestic and international news

May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020

, 22.05.2020, 13:55

MEETING – President Klaus Iohannis is today chairing a meeting reviewing the
economic situation in the context of the coronavirus crisis, the Presidency
reports. Attending are Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, National Bank Governor
Mugur Isarescu and Finance Minister Florin Citu. On Thursday, the Government
adopted a series of measures to support Romanian businesses with over 100,000
employees, large energy consumers, as well as farmers, by extending the
deadline for filing the single payment form by June 15. Moreover, the
Government will provide over 2 million people with protection masks. The
categories include pensioners and people with disabilities. Under the
newly-decreed state of alert, the wearing of face masks is mandatory in
enclosed spaces, public means of transportation and at work.

COVID-19 IN ROMANIA – The total number of confirmed infections
with the COVID-19 virus stands at 17.712, of which some 10.800 people have
recovered. 1.159 people have died, while 200 patients are still in intensive
care, the Group for Strategic Communication announced earlier today. The
Bucharest City Hall has launched an online platform where some 11,000 people
living in Bucharest can sign up for voluntary testing against COVID-19. A
second testing project will kick off next week and will be addressing 10.500
people. Both are aimed at measuring the spread of the virus in the capital

COVID-19 IN THE WORLD – Some 5.2 million people around the world
have been infected with the coronavirus, and over 334 thousand have died. Some
2 million people have recovered. The United States is the most affected
country, with nearly 1.6 million confirmed cases and some 95.000 deaths.
President Donald Trump ordered flags to fly at half-staff to honor the coronavirus
victims. The Russian Federation is the second-most affected country in the
world, some 317 thousand infected, followed by Brazil with 310 thousand. Europe
continues to report the highest number of victims, over 170,000, whereas the
updated death toll could be much bigger. Italy may have a higher number of
deaths than officially reported. The Italian Social Security Institute
yesterday announced that an additional 19,000 people could have died in their
homes, without having been tested for COVID-19, compared to the official figure
announced by the Civil Protection, namely 32,000 dead.

The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest has announced that over May 21-24 seven
flights will be set up to European states to bring home Romanian nationals with
temporary stay permits who have been affected by the measures adopted by other
states to prevent the pandemic from spreading. 5 flights will head to Spain,
one to France and one to Great Britain. Yesterday the Ministry announced 306
Romanian nationals and six foreign citizens who worked on cruise ships in North
America and the Caribbean have been returned to the country.

Nadlac border crossing point reported heavy traffic today as well, despite all
border crossing points having been opened yesterday on the Hungarian border.
Wait times were close to 90 minutes this morning on both ways, considering
thorough checks are being carried out to prevent the COVID-19 virus from
spreading. The Hungarian authorities have shut down two border crossing points
in Satu Mare County. The decision follows Thursday’s announcement by the
Romanian Border Police, according to which Romanian citizens can now use a
number of crossing points, including the two in question. The Satu Mare Border
Police says the two points are open only to freight traffic, commuters,
students and medical emergencies.

(Translated by V. Palcu)

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