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March 31, 2020

A roundup up domestic and international news

March 31, 2020
March 31, 2020

, 31.03.2020, 14:14

COVID-19 Romania — In Romania, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection has reached 2,245, of which around 600 cases are from Suceava (northwest). 285 medical staff are among the confirmed cases. 220 infected people have meanwhile recovered. According to the Strategic Communication Group, more than 11.500 people are in quarantine and almost 125 thousand in isolation. 69 people have died from COVID-19 infection.

Decree — The Romanian interior minister Marcel Vela issued on Monday evening the military decree no.5 which extends the measure of suspending flights between Spain and Romania for 14 days starting on March 31 and also between Italy and Romania, also for 14 days, starting on April 6. The authorities also issued military decree no. 6 which places the entire city of Suceava in quarantine as well as 8 surrounding communes. All access ways to the city are guarded by the army and the police. The decision was made in the context in which more than a quarter of the confirmed cases of coronavirus in Romania were reported in Suceava.

Unemployment — The Romanian government ordinance regarding technical unemployment is on the agenda of today’s meeting of the Seante which might vote this document in a plenary session which will unfold by means of videoconference. Under the ordinance, 75% of the employees of a company can benefit from the payment of technical unemployment. Funds for the companies that reduce their activity due to the coronavirus pandemic will be granted based on a self declaration. The state will cover for 75% of the gross average salary, but not more than around 475 Euros. The money will be granted for the duration of the state of emergency. Athletes will also benefit from the payment of technical unemployment.

COVID- 19 world – The latest coronavirus death toll stands at almost 38 thousand while as many as 790 thousand people worldwide have been infected. The US is the most affected country with almost 165 thousand people infected. In Europe, Italy has reported the biggest number of deaths so far, but the number of new infections registered a significant drop on Monday as compared to the previous days. Spain is the 3rd country after the US and Italy that exceeded China in terms of cases of infected people. A big number of cases has also been reported in Germany where the death rate is smaller though than in other countries. France registered on Monday the biggest number of deaths reported in one single day since the start of the outbreak.

EU budget — The Spanish foreign minister Arancha Gonzalez on Tuesday suggested an increase in the EU budget to help reduce the effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Spanish foreign minister said the European Central Bank and the EC announced that they were making efforts in this sense but underlined that they expected more solidarity among the EU member states. In another move the finance ministers of the euro zone will present the financial instruments meant to support the region’s economy at the talks scheduled for April 7, the president of the Euro group Mario Centeno announced. (translation by L. Simion)

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