March 23, 2017
The Romanian woman injured in Wednesday's attack in London, in critical condition

Newsroom, 23.03.2017, 13:40
LONDON ATTACK — ”We will never give in to terror”, British Prime Minister Theresa May said in parliament a day after the attack in central London. The attacker, a Briton, was known by the security services, May pointed out. Eight people were arrested in relation to the attack. The Police has revised the death toll to 3, including a policeman. We remind you that on Wednesday an attacker drove his car into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, killing two, before crashing it outside parliament and trying to enter the building, armed with a knife. The attacker, believed to have had connections with international terrorism, stabbed an unarmed police officer who later died from the injuries, before being shot by armed police. 7 of the people injured in the attack are in critical condition. Among them a Romanian woman who was thrown into the Thames from Westminster Bridge. She was rescued from the water but had sustained injuries and is now in critical condition in hospital. Bucharest, just like the international community, has firmly condemned the attack.
ENVIRONMENT — The Bucharest Government will finance this year environment protection projects and programmes worth almost 1 billion lei, that is some 220 million euros. Environment Minister, Daniel Constantin has said that the 2017 budget for the Environment Fund will be earmarked for the implementation of 11 measures, such as the car renewal programme, the GreeHome programme regarding the instalattion of heating systems running on renewable energy, as well as the water resources protection programme. Also, important amounts of the 2017 budget will go to afforestation and ecological reconstruction and to the waste management programme.
ISIS – As many as 69 foreign ministers, among whom the head of the Romanian diplomacy Teodor Melescanu, attended on Wednesday, in Washington DC, the first summit of the Global Coalition working to Defeat ISIS. Wednesdays event was the first meeting of the coalition since the election of Donald Trump, who has pledged to make the fight against Islamic State a priority. US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who chaired the meeting, said the United States would set up “interim zones of stability” to help refugees return home in the next phase of the fight against Islamic State and al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq. Tillerson called on coalition partners to make good on financial pledges to secure and rebuild areas where Islamic State has been pushed out. The coalition has pledged more than 2 billion dollars in assistance for Iraq and Syria in 2017.
MOLDOVA – The governments of Romania and Moldova are meeting today in Piatra Neamt, in northeastern Romania, to assess the stage of joint projects under way and find new ways of cooperation. The two delegations are headed by the Romanian PM Sorin Grindeanu and his Moldovan counterpart, Pavel Filip. “The relationship that Romania and Moldova share is special. There are constant expectations from the citizens of the two countries. We will further support Moldova’s development and modernisation as well as this country’s bid for the EU”, PM Grindeanu has said.
STRIKE – In Romania, rail traffic has gone back to normal after Wednesday’s spontaneous strike in several stations across the country, which caused huge delays. Negotiations with trade unions are being resumed today at the Transport Ministry’s offices. According to trade union leaders, the collective employment agreement has expired and, although the companys board proposed a 22.5% rise in the overall salary fund, the move isnt legally grounded, as the budget hasnt been approved.
(Translated by Elena Enache)