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March 16, 2016 UPDATE

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March 16, 2016 UPDATE
March 16, 2016 UPDATE

, 16.03.2016, 12:20

PRESIDENCY – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis will attend the European Council meeting in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, the Presidential Administration in Bucharest has announced. The participants will discuss, among others, supplementary measures to approach the migration crisis. On Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu will join the European leaders for a working session devoted to cooperation between Brussels and Ankara, the Presidential Administration says.

SMOKING BAN – A smoking ban comes into effect in Romania on Thursday. Smoking will be prohibited in all enclosed public spaces, including spaces with a roof and two walls. Smoking will still be permitted in maximum-security prisons and in enclosed environments in the transit areas of international airports. Smoking is banned in workplaces and all children playground areas, both outdoor and indoor. Electronic cigarettes will be allowed, with the exception of public transport. Penalties for breaking the smoking ban include fines and even the closing down of the venues in question. Smoking is one of the most expensive habits. Last year alone, the state cashed in 2.7 billion euros from taxes and duties on cigarette trade.

FINANCIAL– Romanias top ten exporters account hold a 17% share in total exports, accounting for almost 10 billion euros, according to a report by the National Institute for Statistics commissioned by the Ziarul Financial newspaper. Romanias biggest exports come from the car industry. The top 500 exporters cover 74% of Romanias exports, which amounted to almost 55 billion euros in 2015. Last year, only six out of the 500 companies retained their positions, while 68 companies entered the top 500.

AIR INCIDENT – A plane belonging to the Romanian state-owned airline, TAROM, en route from Budapest to Bucharest was forced to land, for technical problems. The plane, having on board, among others, the President of Harghita County Council, in central Romania, Borboly Csaba, was forced to land, just minutes after taking off. All passengers have been safely evacuated.

CORRUPTION – Romanias Prime Minister between 2008 and 2012, Emil Boc, the current mayor of Cluj in northwestern Romania was heard on Wednesday, as a witness, at the National Anti-Corruption Directorates headquarters in Bucharest in a file investigating the activity of the National Agency for Property Restitution, ANRP. Boc said he provided details to the anticorruption prosecutors on the procedures of designating the ministries representatives on the commissions of state agencies. Two Liberal MPs were investigated, among others, in the ANRP file, Ioan Oltean and Catalin Teodorescu, who are accused of having used their influence for a businessman to receive over-evaluated damages. The prejudice brought to the state was estimated at some 24 million Euros.

MUSIC-Radio Romania’s Charming Flute project featuring flautist Ion Bogdan Stefanescu and pianist Horia Mihail travels to the United States. The performances are scheduled for March 18, 6.30 PM, at the Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC and for March 20, 12 PM, at the Victor Borge Hall – Scandinavia House in New York (58 Park Ave.). The all-Romanian programme includes works by Anton Pann, George Enescu, Tudor Ciortea, Paul Constantinescu, Petre Elinescu, Ciprian Porumbescu, Vasile Jianu, Ioan Dobrinescu and Tiberiu Brediceanu.

(Translated by Diana Vijeu)

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