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June 23, 2017 UPDATE

President Iohannis attends European Council summit

June 23, 2017 UPDATE
June 23, 2017 UPDATE

, 23.06.2017, 19:48

EUROPEAN COUNCIL – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, mentioned at a press conference after the summer meeting of the European Council in Brussels that highly important topics had been discussed, related to defence, security, migration, the digital agenda, economy and climate change. The Council approved the launch of PESCO, a collaborative defence structure, and decided to extend the economic sanctions against Russia by another 6 months. The European Council also agreed to work more closely with the online industry and called on social network owners to prevent the dissemination of content inciting to terrorism. As regards Brexit, President Klaus Iohannis said that both the EU 27, and the UK agreed on the need for sequenced approach in negotiations, meaning that talks on the future cooperation should only be held after the “separation issues, like citizens, money and Ireland, have been resolved. On behalf of Romania, President Klaus Iohannis pleaded for close cooperation between member states with respect to security, and for the creation of EU structures that are complementary to, rather than parallel with those of NATO.

MOLDOVA – The strategic dialogue between the Republic of Moldova and the USA has been re-launched in Chişinău, 25 years since the two countries established diplomatic relations, announced at a joint briefing the Moldovan Minister for Foreign Affairs and European Integration Andrei Galbuş, and the Deputy Assistant State Secretary Bridget Bring, who is on a visit to Moldova. In Brussels, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the situation in the Republic of Moldova should be closely monitored by the EU. She said that at a meeting of the European Peoples Party, where she discussed with the former presidential candidate Maia Sandu, a pro-European reformist defeated in last years election by the pro-Russian Socialist Igor Dodon. Also in Brussels, the Romanian MEP Andi Cristea said Dodons statements have nothing to do with reality and are an example of political irresponsibility. Co-chair of the EU-Moldova association committee in the European Parliament, Cristea denied Dodons statement that around half of the European funds earmarked for Moldova were stolen in Chişinău. Dodon wants the free trade and association agreements between the EU and Moldova cancelled, and pleads for his countrys joining the Eurasian Union.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

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