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July 5, 2020 UPDATE

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July 5, 2020 UPDATE
July 5, 2020 UPDATE

, 05.07.2020, 19:15

JUSTICE The year
2021 is inevitably going to mark the beginning of major transformations in
justice, which are going to unfold for a couple of years and these inevitable
developments are to be imposed as a result of the great changes at society,
economic, technological and psychological levels, Romania’s Justice Minister
Catalin Predoiu said in a message conveyed on Justice Day the Romanians
celebrated on Sunday. Also in a message conveyed on this occasion, the
president of the Higher Council of Magistrates, Nicoleta Ţînţ, said that the
process of justice must be maintained at the highest standards in order to
protect citizens from any arbitrary rulings. For president Klaus Iohannis, the
fight against corruption remains a priority, as this scourge prevents economic
and social development bearing on the process of strengthening democracy and
for this reason, this scourge must be firmly repressed. In turn Prime Minister
Orban has announced that the government is working on a legislative initiative
aimed at mending what he describes as mistakes made by the previous governments
regarding the justice laws.

million people have been infected with the novel coronavirus all over the
world, while 534 thousand people have died so far. The United States remains
the most affected country with 2.93 million infections and 133 thousand
fatalities. The number of 40 thousand infections in 24 hours has again been
exceeded as three weeks ago the average daily number stood at 20 thousand.
Brazil comes close to 1.6 million cases and 65 thousand deaths whereas Mexico,
with over 30 thousand deaths has overcome France and Spain. Mexico has also
confirmed 252 thousand infections, while Chile and Peru each have roughly 300
thousand. South Africa has reported 10 thousand cases in the past 24 hours totaling
187 thousand, the largest number in Africa. India comes close to 650 thousand
infections whereas Saudi Arabia has exceeded 205 thousand. Iran is nearing 240
thousand and the third most affected country world-wise seems to be Russia with
over 674 thousand infections and 10 thousand fatalities.

STATUE Protesters in the US city of Baltimore have
toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus, thus adding to the other monuments of
this kind destroyed by protesters after the death of George Floyd, an African
American killed in police custody. Christopher Columbus has been criticised for
having violently repressed native Americans. In his 4th of July address US
president Donald Trump has railed against the
cancel culture of those who toppled monuments during recent anti-racism
protests. Trump has condemned those who targeted statues, describing them as
angry mobs trying to deface quote: our most sacred memorials.

COVID-19 The
government in Bucharest is to endorse next week a bill on maintaining home
isolation and quarantine in the case of people who have come into contact with
a Covid-infected person. The statement has been made by Prime Minister Ludovic
Orban after the Constitutional Court ruled that patients cannot be kept in
hospital, quarantine and isolation against their will. The Prime Minister has
criticised the Court’s decision and recommended the citizens to comply with the
health and safety regulations in order to prevent contamination. According to
the Constitutional Court president, Valer Dorneanu, measures on restricting
rights, such as mandatory hospitalisation, must be imposed through legislation
and not through an order issued by the Health Minister. Nearly four months and
a half since the first Covid-infection was confirmed on its territory, Romania
has reported roughly 29 thousand infections and a death toll of 1750. 122
Romanian nationals died abroad due to complications produced by the novel

TENNIS Romanian Elena Gabriela Ruse (WTA 177th) on Sunday won
the Winners Open tennis tournament held in Cluj, north-western Romania after a
two-set win, 6-4, 6-3 against her compatriot Irina Begu. The tournament, with
30 thousand dollars in prize money has been the first in Romania since the
authorities lifted the restrictions imposed by the need to contain the Covid
pandemic. During the aforementioned demo tournament, which brought together six
tennis players from Romania Simona Halep and Horia Tecau have outperformed
Marius Copil and Gabriela Ruse 6-3, 6-4. Tecau and Halep will be representing
Romania at the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

(translated by bill)

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