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July 3, 2019

A roundup of domestic and international news

July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019

, 03.07.2019, 14:00

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has presented a report on the Romanian
presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of the year.
According to Prime Minister Dancila, the presidency was a success, Romania
proving it is strongly attached to European Parliament values, acting to
consolidate the European project, for a union of the citizens, liberties,
concerted efforts and capabilities. Romania’s term in office coincided with the
European election and was marked by Brexit developments, amidst swift changes
at global level. The Romanian official recalled Romania has done its duty and
proved it is a responsible member state, concerned with the advancement of the
European agenda to the citizens’ benefit. A total of 90 files were completed
during our country’s term in office, including those on the banking union, improving
work conditions and social rights, boosting Single Market integration, moving
towards low-emission mobility, consolidating the digital Europe or the
Directive on natural gas. Another landmark this year was the EU Summit held in
Sibiu on May 9, Europe Day.

LAW – The Chamber of Deputies earlier today passed a bill
aimed at avoiding delays and difficulties in the voting process abroad, such as
was the case with the latest European Parliament election. The bill allows
Romanians abroad to vote in the presidential election this year either by post,
or during a three-day period. In the latter case, the vote will start on Friday
at 12 PM and will end at 9 PM, while on Saturday and Sunday the vote will
unfold in the 7 AM – 9 PM interval, with the possibility of further extending
the vote until midnight on Sunday. The same will go for the voting process at
home, as long as citizens are still waiting in line to cast their votes outside
polling stations. As compared to the draft adopted by the Senate, the Judicial
Committee of the Chamber of Deputies introduced an amendment at the suggestion
of the Permanent Election Authority, stating that exit-polls will now be made
public after midnight on Sunday. Another provision in the new law stipulates
that candidates, whether parties, political alliances or independent
candidates, must now gather 200,000 signatures to become eligible. Another new
aspect is related to the funding of election campaigns using the budget of
political parties.

EU -
The European Parliament is today electing its President, as the MEPs start the
process of ratifying the appointment of Germany’s Defense Minister, Ursula von
der Leyen, as European Commission President. Heads of EU Governments have
appointed Von der Leyen to replace Jean-Claude Juncker at the end of three days
of negotiations. Over the next five years, Spain’s Foreign Minister, Josep
Borrell will be the next High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Belgium’s
Prime Minister Charles Michel will be the next European Council President,
while France’s Christine Lagarde will take over the European Central Bank. The new
EU leadership strikes a balance between political representation in the
European Parliament, geographical location and gender.

Prospects of consolidating top-level dialogue between the Republic of Moldova
and the European Union were high on today’s agenda for talks between Moldovan
Prime Minister Maia Sandu and EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy
and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, held in Brussels. Prime Minister
Maia Sandu pointed out her Government wants to rebuild democratic institutions
and restore citizens’ trust in the state, by means of investigating the abuses
and irregularities of the previous Government, creating a judiciary based on
integrity and public trust, promoting professionals in key positions as well as
fulfilling the requirements of the Association Agreement signed with the EU.
Talks also focused on cooperation in terms of EU assistance and possibilities
to boost bilateral cooperation using the Eastern Partnership platform, which
has reached its 10th year of existence. Commissioner Hahn hailed the
Moldovan Government’s efforts to advance reforms, saying the EU is closely
monitoring developments in the Republic of Moldova.

LONDON – Romanian
tennis players Simona Halep and Mihaela Buzarnescu are today pitted against
each other in the second round at Wimbledon, the third Grand Slam of the year.
Halep and Buzarnescu went up against each other only once, the former defeating
the latter at a tournament in Italy. Another Romanian, Monica Niculescu, has
advanced to the second round.

(Translated by V. Palcu)

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