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July 2, 2019

A roundup of domestic and international news

July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019

, 02.07.2019, 14:00

SUMMIT – EU leaders are
today having a third round of talks in Brussels to decide on the new leadership
of EU institutions. Initially they agreed on Socialist Frans Timmermans to take
on the Presidency of the European Commission, instead of German
Christian-Democrat Manfred Weber, who enjoyed the supported of the European
People’s Party, who would instead be appointed European Parliament President.
However, the deal brokered by Angela Merkel was discarded by the EPP, who are
unwilling to give up on the Commission presidency. Manfred Weber does not,
however, enjoy the support of the French liberals, who criticize his lack of
experience. On the other hand, Frans Timmermans cannot rely on the support of
states in the Visegrad group and Italy. Bulgaria’s Kristalina Georgieva is
runing for European Council President, yet after negotiations failed Prime
Minister Boiko Borisov said she is out of the race. Belgium’s Prime Minister Charles
Michel could be the next High Representative for Foreign Affairs, while
Denmark’s Margarethe Vestager of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats could be
the next First Vice-President of the European Commission. Representing Romania
in the Summit is Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis.

VISIT – Romania was, is and will
remain the most constant and vocal supporter of Moldova, President Klaus
Iohannis said earlier today after talks with Moldovan Prime Minister Maia
Sandu, who is on a visit to Bucharest. The President said Bucharest will
support at EU level financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova. In turn,
Prime Minister Sandu said the Government wants to develop joint projects with
Romania, and the European agenda is the defining characteristic of relations
with Bucharest. Also today Maia Sandu met with her Romanian counterpart,
Viorica Dancila, and with Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Marcel Ciolacu. Sworn in
last month, Maia Sandu decided to pay her first external visit to Bucharest,
although she previously announced she would visit Brussels. Another Moldovan
official on Monday visited Bucharest, Foreign Minister Nicolae Popescu, who
said Moldova is firmly and irreversibly on track to European accession. Last
year, 68% of Moldova’s exports were to the European Union, while 20% were to
Romania, Minister Popescu went on to say.

DRAFT LAW – A draft law on voting abroad is under
debate in the Judicial Committee of the Chamber of Deputies today. On
Wednesday, the bill will be debated and voted upon in the plenary sitting of the
Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case. The Senate on
Monday passed the bill, which provides for alternative voting procedures for
Romanians abroad, such as extending the vote for three days and postal voting.
The bill is aimed at allowing all Romanians to cast their vote and avoiding
difficulties and delays, such that were reported in the recent European
Parliament election.

TENNIS – Four Romanian tennis players are today competing in the Wimbledon
tennis tournament. Ana Bogdan is playing Johanna Konta of Great Britain. Sorana
Cirstea will take on Amanda Anisimova of the United States. Monica Niculescu,
the recipient of a wildcard, will play against Andrea Petkovic of Germany.
Finally, Elena-Gabriela Ruse will go up against Julia Georges of Germany. On
Monday, another two Romanians, Simona Halep and Mihaela Buzarnescu advanced to
the second round where they will be pitted against each other. In the men’s singles,
Marius Copil lost 1-3 to Guido Pella of Argentina.

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