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February 19, 2016 UPDATE

A deal has been reached in Brussels to keep Britain in the EU

February 19, 2016 UPDATE
February 19, 2016 UPDATE

, 19.02.2016, 12:25

EUROPEAN COUNCIL — The European Council President Donald Tusk announced late on Friday that there is unanimous support for a deal between the UK and the EU. The announcement comes after two days of intense negotiations in Brussels. The agreement paves the way for the UKs in/out referendum on EU membership in June. I have negotiated a deal to give the UK special status in the EU. I will be recommending it to Cabinet tomorrow”, the British Premier said in a post on Twitter. Romania was represented at the European Council meeting by President Klaus Iohannis.

HEALTHCARE — The Romanian PM, Dacian Ciolos, and the healthcare minister, Patriciu Achimas Cadariu, on Friday paid a visit to Arges County, in the south, where several cases of serious digestive problems have been reported among children. On Thursday two foreign experts came to Romania in an attempt to identify the source of the bacteria that caused the digestive problems in children. 3 of the children continue to be in a serious state, having been diagnosed with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome. We recall that 3 children died in February due to serious digestive infections that were followed by other major complications.

BRANCUSI DAY— In 2016 Romania marks 140 years since the birth of the great sculptor Constantin Brancusi. February 19 has been proclaimed national celebration day and the National Program “140 years since the birth of the great sculptor Constantin Brancusi” has been launched on the occasion. The program is being run by the Romanian Cultural Institute in partnership with the “Constantin Brancusi” Centre for Research, Documentation and Promotion. On Brancusi Day, various events have been scheduled across Romania as well as at the Romanian Cultural Institute’s centres abroad.

ECONOMY — Romania attracted 1.25 billion euros from the external capital markets, by reopening the two instalments of euro bonds issued in October 2015, at historical cost lows, the Public Finance Ministry officials announced on Friday. Of the total sum lent, 750 million euros will reach maturity in 10 years’ time while 500 million euros will reach maturity in 20 years’ time. According to Finance Minister, Anca Dragu, the transaction reconfirms the very good perception of and the confidence of investors in the Romanian economy in the context of a volatile market.

FOOD INDUSTRY — “Salam de Sibiu”, a dried raw salami with noble mould, has been registered under EU quality schemes as a Romanian traditional product, being recognised as such at EU level, the Romanian Agriculture Ministry has announced. According to the line ministry, “Salam de Sibiu” has been included in the Register of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The decision by the European Commission was published on Friday in the Official Journal of the EU. Romania has only one more similar product recognised at EU level, namely “Magiun de prune Topoloveni”, which is a jam made from very ripe fruit, from various plum varieties, without added sugar. The agriculture minister, Achim Irimescu, said late last year that Romania intends to get European recognition for two other products: the cheese of Ibanesti and the famous kürtőskalács, a spit cake made in Tinutul Secuiesc (Szecklerland), in central Romania.

FILM — The long reel “Illegitimate” directed by Romanian Adrian Sitaru will have a final screening on Saturday at the Berlin International Film Festival. The film, which had its world premiere late last week, has received big hands of applause from the public and appreciative reviews by international journalists. “Illegitimate”, one of the most daring and thought-provoking Romanian films in recent years, tells the story of two brothers and their illegitimate love. The Berlin International Film Festival started on February 11 and runs until February 21.

HANDBALL — Romania’s vice champion women’s handball team, HCM Baia Mare, on Friday qualified to the Champions League’s quarter finals, after defeating, on home turf, the German team Thuringer HC, 38-27, in the main Group 1 of the Champions League. In the same competition, but in the 2nd main Group, the champions CSM Bucharest will take on the Danish team FC Midtjylland, on Sunday, in an away match. Ranking first in this group is the defending champion Buducnost Podgorica, followed by Gyori Audi ETO KC, RK Vardar Skopje and CSM Bucharest.

(Translated by Diana Vijeu)

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