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February 1, 2019 UPDATE

A roundup of domestic and international news

February 1, 2019 UPDATE
February 1, 2019 UPDATE

, 01.02.2019, 19:43

BUDGET – The Romanian
government on Thursday night published the draft budget for 2019, which is
based on a 5.5% economic growth rate, a budget deficit of 2.55% and an average
annual inflation rate of 2.8%. The bill provides for additional funds for
investment, healthcare and education, and less money for the business environment,
communications and energy ministries. Mayors are unhappy with the new budget,
as the local authorities are to incur most part of the social spending so far
covered from the central budget.

GYMNICH – The European Union wants to maintain the provisions of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces Treaty, signed during the Cold War, the EU High Representative for
Foreign Policy and Security, Federica Mogherini said in Bucharest on the
sidelines of the Gymnich informal meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers. In turn,
Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu said the Eastern Partnership is a
priority of the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU, while Bucharest
wants an official agreement of member states and partners states to continue in
this format after 2020. Romania will also contribute to the EU trade mechanism
with Iran, Melescanu also said. The mechanism will allow EU companies to do
business with Iran, bypassing US sanctions. The so-called Instrument in Support
of Trade Exchanges addresses European SMEs, which will thus be able to send
medicine, medical equipment and food to Iran.

of State Mike Pompeo on Friday announced the withdrawal of the United States
from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which opens up a period of
uncertainty for the European Union, France Press reports. Signed in 1987 by the
USSR and the United States, the INF Treaty put an end to the missile crisis at
the time. US officials accuse Russia of creating a missile system that violates
the treaty. Moscow instead claims the missiles have a maximum range of 480 kms,
in line with Treaty provisions. Prior to the announcement, Russia warned
Washington that a withdrawal would be irresponsible and could impact other
strategic agreements. In turn, NATO expressed support for the US decision,
calling on Moscow to return urgently to full and verifiable compliance to
preserve the INF Treaty within the next six months.

DEFENSE – As of Friday,
Lieutenant General Laurian Anastasof took over as interim chief of general
staff following an order by minister Gabriel Les. On Thursday, the Bucharest
Court of Appeal admitted a request from the Defence Ministry to suspend a
decree from last December by which president Klaus Iohannis extended the term
of General Nicolae Ciuca as chief of general staff. The defence minister
Gabriel Les said on Thursday that he was waiting for the court to publish its
ruling before making a nomination for the position. The court’s ruling is
binding, but the President’s Office can appeal it.

UK – Romania’s President
Klaus Iohannis on Friday met in Bucharest the British Foreign Secretary Jeremy
Hunt. Talks focused on the latest developments such as Brexit and Romanian-British
relations. Regarding the latest decisions of the British Parliament with
respect to Brexit, Klaus Iohannis said a withdrawal not supported by an
agreement will bring about significant negative consequences both for London
and the other Member States. Klaus Iohannis pointed out the negotiated
Withdrawal Treaty is the most effective mechanism to ensure an orderly Brexit,
limiting its negative consequences and guaranteeing the rights of EU citizens
living, working or studying in Great Britain. In turn, the British official
underlined Britain’s special support for the President’s efforts to maintain
and consolidate the rule of law in Romania.

EPIDEMIC – The number of deaths caused by flu in Romania has reached 67.
The victims had pre-existing medical
conditions and had not received the flu vaccine. The authorities in
Bucharest on Wednesday officially declared a flu epidemic and warned that the
virus will continue to circulate intensely this month.

HANDBALL -CSM Bucharest player
Cristina Neagu has been chosen the best female handball player in 2018 on the
Handball-Planet website after a poll that involved journalists and fans from
different countries. She is followed in the ranking by the French player
Amandine Leynaud and the Russian player Anna Vyakhireva. This is the
third time Neagu is declared the world’s best female player on this website,
after 2015 and 2016. The ranking also features the Romanian line-player Crina
Pintea from the Hungarian side Gyor. Neagu sustained a serious injury in
December during the European Championship in France, where she became the best
all-time scorer in the history of this competition.

(Translated by V. Palcu)

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