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December 29, 2020

A roundup of domestic and international news

December 29, 2020
December 29, 2020

, 29.12.2020, 13:55

Covid-19 Ro. Today, the second tranche of vaccines against Covid 19 has arrived in Romania, which is over 140 thousand doses necessary for the immunization, in the first phase, of the medical staff. The first tranche of 10,000 doses was delivered on Saturday, and vaccination began the next day. Over 4,600 new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in Romania today. Bucharest reports the largest number of infections in the country. In terms of incidence, Ilfov, near the capital, is the only county with over 5 cases per thousand inhabitants accumulated in the last 14 days, and Bucharest has reached just over 4. The number of patients with COVID-19 in Intensive Care has decreased to about 1,162. 135 people died from infection with the new coronavirus in 24 hours. More than 85% of those with COVID-19, since the beginning of the pandemic, have been declared cured.

Visit. The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is today paying an official visit to the Republic of Moldova, at the invitation of his new counterpart from the neighboring state with a predominantly Romanian-speaking population, the pro-West president Maia Sandu. It is the first high-level visit received by Maia Sandu since she became president following the November 15 elections, in which she defeated the former head of state, the pro-Russia socialist Igor Dodon. According to the Presidential Administration in Bucharest, the visit of the Romanian head of state to Chisinau will provide the framework for sending a strong message of support for the new president and the Moldovan citizens, in their effort to democratize the country, to irreversibly implement the principles of the rule of law and consolidate both the countrys European path and the privileged relations with Romania. The two presidents will adopt a joint declaration, which aims to strengthen the bilateral strategic partnership, reaffirming the special relationship between Bucharest and Chisinau. Holder of Romanian citizenship, an economist with a masters degree in public administration at Harvard University, former adviser to the executive director of the World Bank, former minister and former prime minister in Chisinau, Maia Sandu became, at the age of 48, the first woman president of the Republic of Moldova, three decades after the proclamation of the countrys independence from Moscow.

Ro. Parliament. The Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest gathers today in plenary session, the first in which bills will be debated, in the new legislature that began on December 21. Last week, the plenary session was held, in which the deputies took the oath, the standing committees were set up and the president of the chamber and the members of the permanent bureau were elected. The president of the National Liberal Party, the former prime minister Ludovic Orban, was elected president of the Chamber of Deputies.

Budget deficit. In the first 11 months of this year, Romania registered a budget deficit of 8% of the GDP, accounting for 84 billion lei (about 17 billion euros), according to data made public by the Ministry of Finance. In the same period of the previous year, the deficit was 3.5% of the GDP. According to the Ministry, the increase was triggered by the unfavorable evolution of the budget revenues, as well as the postponement of the payment of some fiscal obligations by companies during the health crisis. The deficit difference was also determined by the exceptional payments generated by the pandemic.

Protests. One of the largest trade union confederations in Romania, Cartel Alfa, announces protests today, dissatisfied with the level proposed by the executive to increase the minimum wage. The confederation claims that 70 lei (15 euros) in addition to the minimum wage, as announced by the Government, does not even cover the additional expenses for masks and other elements of individual protection. The Cartel Alfa confederation also says that prices have increased and will continue to raise, and currently the minimum wage in Romania does not cover even half of the minimum expenses necessary for a decent living. The government is expected to make a decision on this matter during Wednesdays meeting.

Journalist. 50 journalists have been killed in connection with their activity in 2020, more than half in countries where there was peace, the Reporters Without Borders Organization has announced today. The organizations annual report shows that, although the number of journalists killed in conflict areas has dropped, such journalists are increasingly targeted because of their investigations into corruption, organized crime or environmental issues. Mexico, India and the Philippines are the states where most such crimes have taken place. Last year, 53 journalists were killed while doing their job. (M. Ignatescu)

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