August 6, 2016 UPDATE
Physicians to get higher pay for extra night shifts; Queen Anne of Romania to be buried in Curtea de Arges

Newsroom, 06.08.2016, 00:05
NAVY DAY – The Romanian Navy Day, traditionally celebrated on August 15, is preceded these days by events organised by the Romanian Navy Forces in the Constanta and Mangalia military ports at the Black Sea. On Saturday the public visited military vessels, to find out details on the techniques, equipment and weaponry used by the marines. Interactive workshops, games and competitions were also organised. The Navy bands added music to the festive atmosphere.
CAR MARKET – Over 175,000 new and used cars were registered in Romania in the first six months of the year, up 19% compared to the first half of 2015, according to the National Statistics Institute. The only segment to see a decline was the bus and van segment, which went down by nearly 8%. On the other hand, 17.5% more cargo vehicles were registered. The peak year for new vehicle registrations in Romania was 2007, with over 300,000 vehicles registered.
NATO – Two officers, one from Romania and one from the Czech Republic, will be temporarily working at the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine, as part of a programme designed to help bring Ukrainian military services up to NATO standards. The announcement was made by Viktor Muzhenko, Ukrainian Chief of Staff, quoted by Interfax news agency. The Ukrainian official added that the two officers were familiar with post-Soviet defence systems and experienced in reform measures implemented in their own countries. Ukraine wants to bring its military services to NATO standards by 2020.
HEALTHCARE – As of October 1, doctors will be paid for extra night shifts, the Healthcare Ministry announced on Saturday. According to the Ministry, the nearly 22 million euro required for increasing physicians extra-time bonuses in 2016 will come from a more efficient management of the resources in the system, and mechanisms will be identified which will not affect the budget deficit forecast. The decision to increase payments for extra time in the healthcare system is one of the most important steps taken in recent years for the benefit of healthcare personnel, the Ministry added.
AWARD – A team of Romanian students won the IT Excellence Award in Lucerne, Switzerland. In the 27th edition of the competition JA Europe Company of the Year they presented a model of smart glasses designed to help people with severe visual impairment. Produced using a 3D printer, the glasses are equipped with sensors that analyse all the information on the surrounding objects, process it and send it to the user by means of variable intensity and frequency signals. Taking part in the event held between July 25 and 28 were more than 200 young entrepreneurs from 35 European countries.
QUEEN ANNE – Preparations continue in Romania for Queen Annes funeral. The wife of King Michael I of Romania died on Monday in a hospital in Switzerland, at the age of 92. Her body will be repatriated on Tuesday, August, 9, and the funeral will take place on Saturday, August 13, at Curtea de Argeş Monastery, the final resting place of Romanian royalty. August 13 will be a day of national mourning in Romania, but also in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, under a decree signed on Friday by Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti.
(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)