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August 5, 2021

A news roundup


, 05.08.2021, 13:55

Covid Ro ▪ Secretary of state with the Romanian Interior Ministry, Raed Arafat, insists on the population’s vaccination and wearing protective masks to reduce the risk of infection with the novel coronavirus. Invited in Radio Romania’s studios, he explained that the risk of an increasing number of cases daily is real, but everyone can help limit the spread of the virus. Raed Arafat pointed out that no new restrictions are being considered, and reminded that if the threshold of 2 cases per thousand inhabitants was exceeded, the rules in force before August 1 would be re-applied, and if the threshold of 3 cases per thousand inhabitants is exceeded, the measures will be tightened. Meanwhile, the number of new cases of coronavirus is growing. On Thursday, 244 new cases were reported out of over 28,000 tests. At the same time, 2 deaths were reported. 72 people are hospitalized in intensive care. The UK has included Romania on the green list of countries with epidemiological risk, which means that Romanians traveling to the UK will no longer have to be quarantined, regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not. However, the Romanian citizens who travel to the UK must present a negative PCR test performed before entering the territory of this country and need to take a second test two days after arrival. The measure takes effect on Sunday.

COVID world ▪ Covid cases worldwide exceeded 200 million on Wednesday, according to a Reuters report, as the more contagious Delta variant is threatening the areas with low vaccination rates and precarious healthcare systems. The global increase in Covid cases highlights the difference between vaccination rates in rich and poor countries. According to Reuters, the number of cases is on the rise in about a third of the worlds countries, many of which have not vaccinated even half of the population with a first dose. The World Health Organization is calling for a postponement of the administration of a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, at least until the end of September, so as not to widen the gap between vaccination campaigns in rich and poor countries. Meanwhile, in some European countries, such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the number of new cases of COVID-19 is decreasing, while in others the 4th wave of the pandemic is in full development.

Exercise ▪ More than 350 military divers from Romania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, the US and Ukraine are participating in a multinational training exercise off the Romanian Black Sea Coast. The “Eurasian Partnership MCM Dive” exercise, which will last 4 days, is led by the Diving Center 39 within the Romanian Navy. The Romanian Navy also participates in the drill with the “Vice Admiral Constantin Bălescu” minesweeper ship, the “Captain Commander Alexandru Cătuneanu” Hydrographic Maritime Ship, as well as with an autonomous underwater vehicle. Ukraine participates with the rescue and recovery tug “Oleksandr Okhrimenko”. The purpose of the exercise is to consolidate the skills of military divers and to develop the participants’ interoperability in two domains, namely searching, identifying and destroying mines in historic mine dams and underwater activities with hydraulic tools.

Fires ▪ The heat wave persists in several European countries, which have been fighting vegetation fires for more than several days. The authorities are on alert in Greece, where flames threatened the capital Athens on Wednesday. In Turkey, the damage is huge, and a thermal plant threatened by flames has been evacuated. Forest fires are spreading also in Bulgaria, where two forest rangers have died and a third one has been injured. Italy, Albania and northern Macedonia are also facing fires. The European Commission has said it will send planes, helicopters and firefighters to Italy, Greece, Albania and northern Macedonia to help these countries fight the fires.

Talks ▪ Romanias ambassador to the United States, Andrei Muraru, stressed the importance of strengthening security of NATOs Eastern Flank, during a phone conversation with Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, together with the ambassadors to Washington of the Bucharest-9 Format states, the Romanian Embassy in the US announced on Thursday on its Facebook page. The phone conversation was meant to consult NATO allies on US policies and activities of interest to the region. The Bucharest Format is an initiative launched by the presidents of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and of Poland, Andrzej Duda, which includes NATO member states on the Eastern Flank participate: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. The American president Joe Biden also participated online in the summit organized in May this year in Bucharest.

Meeting ▪ The Romanian government is meeting today for its weekly session. High on the executives agenda is the Emergency Ordinance repealing an article from a law regarding the impossibility of electricity and natural gas suppliers to cut off or disconnect bad payers during the state of alert period. The law established that disconnection could be done after the state of alert ended, but the Government wants to repeal this provision because they realized that the failure to collect money from final customers was felt by all parties involved in the processes of electricity and natural gas production and supply in Romania. The executive also discusses a decision that completes the methodological norms of the SME Invest program. This law is necessary because regulation is needed for some situations related to certain terms, to areas that can be supported through SME Invest and to areas that cannot be supported through this program. (LS)

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