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August 30, 2023

A roundup of domestic and international news


, 30.08.2023, 13:55

Crevedia – 17 of the almost 60 people injured in Saturdays explosion, from Crevedia, in southern Romania, have been discharged from hospital, and the condition of a few others has improved – according to the latest information provided by the Health Ministry. However, 9 of the injured are in a serious condition. Six are being treated in hospitals abroad, and three in Romania. No other deaths were reported besides the two reported immediately after the LPG station blast. Meanwhile the authorities continue the damage assessment. Data so far shows that, following the explosions followed by a fire, 11 houses were affected, 8 of which were completely destroyed. Intervention teams are present at the scene of the disaster, and the firefighters continue to cool some LPG tanks left in the area. The security perimeter was also extended, because two of the tanks have gas leaks. Meanwhile, prosecutors are collecting documents for several open criminal cases.

Diplomacy – The Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy continues today in Bucharest, with thematic plenary sessions, attended by guests from the government apparatus. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the themes to be addressed are: the contribution of Romanian diplomacy to the consolidation of the European project, economic development strategies, climate change, green and digital transition, the organization, abroad, of the three rounds of elections in 2024, with an emphasis on the smooth running of elections in the diaspora, the role of the Romanian missions in promoting cultural diplomacy and scientific cooperation. The theme of this years event is A firm foreign policy of Romania: managing challenges and maximizing opportunities. The Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy is traditionally organized every year, close to the Romanian Diplomacy Day, which, starting from 2005, is marked on September 1.

Fires – Greece is on the 12th day of fighting the fire that broke out in the Dadia National Park, in the northeast of the country, a fire described by the European Union as the worst ever recorded in the community space. The fire is devastating the forest in this park included in the European Natura 2000 network, which shelters numerous birds of prey. 20 people have died so far, and more than 80 hectares of land have burned, France Press new agency writes. A spokesman for the European Commission underlined that 11 planes and a helicopter from the European fleet were mobilized, as well as over 400 firefighters. Romania sent a new 56-strong fire-fighting contingent. They will replace those who intervened in the area in the last nine days. We remind you that Greece has faced numerous wildfires this summer, which the government in Athens attributes to climate change.

Symposium – On September 22, the 21st edition of the “George Enescu” International Musicology Symposium will take place in Bucharest, as part of the “George Enescu” International Festival and Competition, the organizers have announced today. Founded by the Union of Composers and Musicologists from Romania in 1967, the scientific symposium offers, this year, the opportunity to present valuable studies dedicated to Enescu’s creation as part of two sections. We remind you that the 26th edition of the “George Enescu” International Festival takes place, in Romania, between August 27 and September 24. One of the most important international classical music events worldwide, organized in Bucharest since 1958, the festival’s 2023 edition brings to the public over 3,500 of the worlds most famous artists and over 40 orchestras from 16 countries in 90 concerts.

Tennis – The Romanian tennis player Patricia Ţig has qualified for the second round of the US Open tournament, the last Grand Slam of the year, after defeating the Canadian Rebecca Marino 7-6, 7-6, on Tuesday, at the Flushing Meadows arenas in New York. In the second round, Patricia Ţig will be up against the American Jessica Pegula, world’s number three player. Instead, the Romanians Ana Bogdan and Gabriela Ruse lost in the first round at the US Open. Ana Bogdan was defeated by the American Sofia Kenin 7-6, 6-4, and Gabriela Ruse, coming from the qualifications, was defeated by Karolina Pliskova 6-1, 6-4. Out of the five Romanian players on the main singles draw – Sorana Cîrstea, Irina Begu, Ana Bogdan, Patricia Ţig and Gabriela Ruse – only Cîrstea and Ţig won in the first round. Sorana Cîrstea, who defeated the American Kayla Day 6-2, 6-3, will face the Russian Ana Kalinskaia in the second round. (LS)

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