August 3, 2020 UPDATE
A news update

Newsroom, 03.08.2020, 19:58
Coronavirus RO – Romania has gone beyond the threshold of 54 thousand confirmed coronavirus infections since the outbreak of the virus, almost 5 months ago. The death toll has increased to 2,432. The number of active cases has also reached a new record, passing 18,400, while 419 patients are in intensive care. The Romanian health ministry announced on Monday that Romania would receive over 25 thousand Remdesivir vials, in 3 installments, to treat some of the patients infected with the new coronavirus, under a contract concluded by the EC with the producer. Under this contract worth 63 million Euros, treatment will be provided to almost 30 thousand patients within the EU who show severe Covid-19 symptoms. In another move, also on Monday, the National Public Health Institute published the updated list of countries with a high epidemiological risk. The persons arriving in Romania from these countries will be quarantined for 14 days either at their homes or at a location these persons declare or in a space especially designated by the authorities. The list includes 41 states and can be accessed on the Institute’s website.
Save the Children — An entire generation of children from around the world have no longer went to school for the first time in the history of modern education because of the Covid-19 pandemic — the Save the Children Romania NGO shows, according to which the marginalized children have been the most vulnerable. In Romania, almost half of the pupils (47%) have had limited access to online education during the isolation measures, as they were not connected to the Internet, had no tablets or computers. By launching a campaign called ‘I want to go to school’, the NGO has called on local and central authorities to take concrete measures to correct and prevent similar situations given that a new school year will begin in mid September. The NGO has come up with a set of measures among which providing the necessary educational tools for distance learning for all the kids that need them, training the teachers to give online lessons as well as preparing all the schools to be able to provide medical safety and physical distancing so as children could learn in decent and secure conditions.
Drill — As many as 200 marines from Romania, Bulgaria and the US are training until August 7 as part of the 11th edition of the Eurasian Partnership Mine Countermeasure Dive 2020 multinational drill hosted by the Romanian Navy. The drill is meant to counteract underwater threats, the planned drills focusing on the search, detection, neutralization and destruction of mines at sea. This is the only annual multinational exercise held in the Black Sea basin meant to consolidate the training of the NATO countries military divers. (L. Simion)