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August 29, 2017 UPDATE

Anti-corruption prosecutors reject proposed changes to the judicial system; Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy underway in Bucharest

August 29, 2017 UPDATE
August 29, 2017 UPDATE

, 29.08.2017, 19:54

LEGISLATION – Romanian anti-corruption prosecutors criticise most of the proposed changes to the laws regulating the judiciary announced recently by Minister Tudorel Toader, and say these changes are a form of pressure on their work. In turn, the Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar said on Tuesday that if endorsed, the bill would affect the independence of magistrates and the activity of judicial institutions. Heavily criticised by the Opposition and the mass media, the bill stipulates, among other things, that the president of the country is no longer to appoint the chiefs of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate and the Directorate Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism, that the judicial inspection corps will be subordinated to the Justice Ministry, and that the promotion of magistrates will require more years of service. On Sunday night several thousand Romanians protested in Bucharest and other major cities against the bill aimed at changing the laws regulating the judiciary. They demanded the resignation of Tudorel Toader, voiced support for the independence of the judicial power and announced new street protests for next Sunday.

UNICEF – The Prime Minister of Romania, Mihai Tudose, had a meeting in Bucharest on Tuesday with the new representative of the UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF) in Romania, Pieter Bult. On this occasion, PM Tudose emphasised the importance of the partnership between Romania and UNICEF, while Bult presented the objectives and priorities of his term in office. The 2 officials agreed to work together to solve the measles epidemic problem. UNICEF is supporting the efforts of the Romanian authorities, by conducting measles information and awareness-raising campaigns and public health education programmes. Romania is currently facing the most severe measles epidemic in recent years, with 33 deaths reported so far, according to the National Centre for Infectious Disease Monitoring and Control.

POLICE – The Romanian Interior Minister, Carmen Dan, Tuesday carried on the consultations with police officials regarding the improvement of the legislation regulating their work. The main topics included the proposed tightening of penalties for assault on a public official, changes in the regulations regarding penalties for misdemeanours, changes in the regulations regarding professions in the police force and the improvement of police protection equipment. The Interior Minister said she had already received 150 proposed changes to the police laws.

DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Minister, Teodor Meleşcanu, said on Tuesday that the preparations for the Union Centennial, the Romanian presidency of the EU Council, Romanias bid for non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council and the OECD candidacy are the highlights of the Romanian diplomatic agenda next year. The statement was made at the Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy, which is taking place in Bucharest until Friday. The event is an opportunity for the Foreign Ministry to assess its work and to set its priorities for the future, in the context of regional, European and global trends. The special guests this year are the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry, the Foreign Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn and the Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó. On the other hand, as part of the Annual Meeting of the Romanian diplomacy, President Klaus Iohannis will receive on Wednesday the heads of Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices.

MISSILE – The United States and Japan have requested an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss North Koreas firing of a missile over Japan. Japan’s warning system kicked in, advising citizens on its northern Hokkaido Island to take precautions, as the missile headed towards land. The missile later broke into three pieces and landed in the sea. The Japanese military made no attempt to shoot down the unidentified missile, but condemned the launch in the strongest terms possible. The Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has asked for further sanctions against North Korea. China has called for restraint and for the resumption of peace talks, while the EU, South Korea, Australia and the United Kingdom firmly condemned Pyongyangs actions. The launch comes after several weeks of tensions and verbal clashes between the USA and North Korea.

A-WEB – The President of the Permanent Electoral Authority of Romania, Daniel Barbu, will take over the presidency of the Association of World Election Bodies for 2 years, in a ceremony held in Bucharest on August 31, as part of the 3rd General Assembly of the association, hosted by the Parliament Palace. A-WEB brings together election management bodies from over 100 countries around the world, Romania included.

(translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

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