August 12, UPDATE
A roundup of domestic and international news

România Internațional, 12.08.2014, 12:15
The central Romanian town of Izvorul Muresului is hosting the Summer University of the Romanians in the Diaspora. Tuesday saw the launch of the campaign “The Three Colours Months” when a tricolor flag measuring 150 meters will be hoisted and then carried through several towns to finally reach Chisinau. On Monday the representatives of the Romanians in Timoc Valley in Serbia drew attention to the ‘dramatic’ situation of the Romanian community there, mentioning the lack of tuition and mass media in the Romanian language, the persecution of Romanian priests and the lack of aid from the Romanian state. They are asking for the recall of Romania’s consul general from Zaicear, Iulian Niţu, whom they accuse of anti-Romanian practices. The Romanian community from Ukraine, which has drastically dwindled, has also drawn attention to issues related to the preservation of the Romanian identity. More than 100 students, teachers and representatives of the Diaspora are participating, until Friday, in the 12th edition of the Summer University of the Romanians in the Diaspora.
Romania will be affected by a heat wave until Thursday, when maximum temperatures will reach 37 degrees C in the plain areas. The temperature-humidity index will exceed the critical threshold of 80 units. The minimum temperatures will range from 16 to 25 degrees C while highs will range from 30 to 37 degrees C.
The Anonimul International Independent Film Festival opened in Bucharest on Tuesday with the screening of the Italian movie “Le maraviglie” — “The Wonders” which won the Grand Prize in Cannes in May. The structure of the festival has been maintained this year as well, including an international section with films that won prizes at other festivals in 2014, retrospectives and remembering the artist screenings, a Romanian film section as well as a competition section including feature films, fiction shorts and animation shorts. A total of 60 films from 23 countries will be screened during the festival. The Anonimul Trophy as well as the other prizes will be granted following the audience’s vote.
Romania is able to absorb in the next 6 years the funds allotted by the European Commission for the cohesion policy, the deputy prime minister and minister for Regional Development Liviu Dragnea said Tuesday. In an interview to the public radio station he also said that the degree of fund absorption has increased and almost all blockages that generated delays have been eliminated. The European Commission adopted the 2014-2020 Partnership Agreement with Romania, a document that stipulates how the European structural and investment funds will be used in the coming period. Romania benefits from European funds worth almost 43 billion euros, out of which more than 22 billion euros are channeled into the cohesion policy.
The Ukrainian authorities have announced they will not open the borders for the humanitarian aid convoy sent Tuesday by Russia to the east of the country. Moreover, according to Kiev officials, the convoy, made up of 280 trucks, is not certified by the Red Cross International Committee. The Russian Foreign Ministry has given assurances that, after crossing the Ukrainian border, the humanitarian convoy will be transferred under the authority of the Red Cross. The convoy is to reach the Ukrainian border on Thursday, being destined to the inhabitants of the eastern regions who have been affected by the clashes between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian separatists. Kiev suspects Russia of wanting to help the rebels under the pretext of offering humanitarian aid. The rebels have come under a large-scale offensive for several weeks now. NATO and the European Commission have warned Moscow not to use the humanitarian action as cover for a possible military action in Ukraine.