April 4, 2014
Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news

Bogdan Matei, 04.04.2014, 12:05
The President of Romania, Traian Basescu, said the issue of the Roma minority needs to be tackled in a European context, with the contribution of all member states. At the opening of a summit in Brussels focusing on the social inclusion of this community, Basescu deplored the fact that in Romania a large part of the Roma already integrated no longer identify themselves with this ethnic group. He added that over 50% of the employed Roma have a low education level, while educated members of the group have problems finding jobs that reflect their training. According to the latest population census, around 620 thousand Roma live in Romania, accounting for 3.3% of the total population.
The Romanian diplomacy chief, Titus Corlăţean, is taking part in an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers held in Athens. For two days, participants will discuss topical issues, with an emphasis on the latest developments in Ukraine and Syria, as well on the Union’s relations with strategic partners. Gymnich meetings are organised on a semestrial basis, by the country holding the rotating presidency of the EU Council, and are designed to facilitate the exchange of opinions on topics on the European foreign policy agenda.
Romania takes part with over 20 inventions in the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, the largest specialised event in the world. Romanian inventors will present, among others, a dynamic air transfer device, and a device for airing surface water. Inventors from more than 40 countries are taking part in the 42 International Exhibition in Geneva. Last year, Romania won the grand prize, with an aircraft scanning device.
The United States warned Russia against resorting to energy as a political weapon in its conflict with Ukraine, AFP reports. On Thursday Moscow cancelled a discounted gas supply deal with Kiev, and the price thus reached 485 US dollars per thousand cubic metres, one of the highest charged to European countries. On the other hand, Kiev announced that in 2014 Ukraine will host eight international NATO military exercises, in which the US and other Alliance members will take part, including Romania. On Tuesday the Parliament of Ukraine endorsed a proposal by the interim president Olexandr Turchinov, authorising foreign troops, including American ones, to enter Ukrainian territory for military manoeuvres.
Presidential elections are scheduled to take place in Afghanistan on Saturday, which are expected to lead to the first democratic transfer of power in the history of that country. Two of the candidates ranking the highest in opinion polls are former foreign ministers. According to analysts, the new leader in Kabul will take over from the incumbent president Hamid Karzai the issue of the Taliban insurgents, which the Afghan security forces will have to cope with on their own, given that the NATO troops will leave the country this year. Afghanistan has been torn by war since the late 1970s, when it was invaded by Soviet troops. The country is also the world’s top producer and exporter of heroin, a problem that the 13-year long presence of international troops has failed to solve.
The European Trade Union Confederation organises in Brussels today a large-scale rally to protest the economic policies of the European governments. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent, taking part in the rally are over 40 thousand people from 21 countries, which demand that policy-makers should give up austerity measures, and focus on investments and on creating new jobs. The protest is viewed as a signal from trade unions ahead of the elections for the European Parliament, due on May the 25th.