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April 19, 2023 UPDATE

A roundup of domestic and international news


, 19.04.2023, 20:00

AGRICULTURE – Romania will restrict
Ukrainian grain imports and introduce measures to provide additional security
to grain transports transiting Romania’s territory. According to the
Agriculture Ministry, the authorities will also introduce border controls for
all agrifood products coming from Ukraine. The decision follows talks between
Romania’s Agriculture Minister Petre Daea with his Ukrainian counterpart,
Mykola Solskyi. The two officials will meet on Friday in Bucharest to discuss
the best solutions for both sides. Minister Daea pointed out Romania supports
the Commission’s efforts to help Ukraine cope with the effects of the Russian
aggression and will continue to ensure the transit of grain transports from
this country to third countries via traditional routes. Similar measures were
introduced in other countries in Eastern Europe, due to the low, tax-free
prices of Ukrainian grain affecting local farmers. Also on Wednesday, the
European Commission announced a new €100 million aid package to farmers
affected by the measures aimed at facilitating the transit of Ukrainian grain.
The Commission had previously disbursed another €36.3 million to offset
production losses in neighboring countries.

MOTION – The Chamber of Deputies on
Wednesday dismissed a simple motion filed by opposition parties against Agriculture
Minister Petre Daea, after debating it the previous day. The opposition holds
Minister Daea responsible for the increase in basic food prices, claiming the
official has mismanaged the swine and bird flu crises and failed to attract
European funds for farmers affected by the Ukrainian grain imports. In turn,
Minister Daea said the accusations are groundless.

VISIT -The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis is carrying on his
visit to Brazil. He travelled to Rio de Janeiro, where he had meetings
scheduled with the deputy governor and deputy mayor of the city, and is
expected to pay tribute to the World War II heroes. On Monday, Mr. Iohannis met
with his counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The two officials signed a
joint statement on the development of bilateral relations. Klaus Iohannis
assured his counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, of Romania’s support for
advancing the EU – Brazil agenda through projects designed to benefit citizens.
This is the first stage of the Romanian president’s south-American tour, which
also includes Chile and Argentina. The goal is to rekindle the top-level
dialogue with these countries and to present Romania’s position, as an EU and
NATO member, with respect to the war launched by Russia in neighbouring

MOLDOVA – The European Parliament has
reiterated its support for Moldova’s EU accession. In a resolution passed on
Wednesday, MEPs say Moldova joining the European bloc would represent a
geostrategic investment in a united and strong Europe. Negotiation talks should
start by the end of 2023, MEPs say, once Moldova has complied with the new
stages identified by the Commission. The EU should continue to help this
country achieve energy independence, the resolution also states. According to
the document, Moldova remains vulnerable to Russian pressure and energy
blackmail, to economic difficulties caused by the war in neighboring Ukraine,
as well as to the Kremlin’s attempts at destabilizing the pro-European
administration in this country.

ART – Since the start of the Timisoara – 2023
European Capital of Culture programme this February, over 12,000 Romanian and
foreign art lovers have visited the National Art Museum in Timişoara, western
Romania, to see the first retrospective exhibition devoted to Victor Brauner.
Probably no other exhibition in the history of the museum has attracted so many
visitors as ‘Victor Brauner: Inventions and magic did in only two months, the museum
director Filip Petcu said on Monday. Some 100 works, including paintings,
drawings, sketches, etchings and documents by the Romanian surrealist artist
are on display in Timişoara. Of these, 40 are on loan from the Pompidou Centre
in Paris, while others have been made available by Saint-Etienne Metropole,
Musee Cantini Marseilles and other museums or private collections in Romania
and abroad. (AMP & VP)

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Modernism | The Leading Romanian Art Magazine Online Modernism | The Leading Romanian Art Magazine Online
Institului European din România Institului European din România
Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti
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Le petit Journal Le petit Journal
Radio Prague International Radio Prague International
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Radio Canada International Radio Canada International
Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti” Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti”
SWI swissinfo.ch SWI swissinfo.ch
Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl Strona główna - English Section - polskieradio.pl
creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti
italradio italradio
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