Romanian government approves the first budget adjustment for 2013.
Lower VAT for bread and higher excises on alcohol and certain luxury products are some of the measures the Government of Romania will apply starting on September 1st.
Romanian climbers reached the top of Nanga Parbat Peak in the Himalayas via Rupal Face on the 19th of July.
The privatisation of the Freight Railway Division has once again reached a deadlock.
The governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu, said that Romania needed moderate economic growth, enabling it to avoid worse unemployment. He believes that our country should capitalize on its domestic resources, material or human.
The confidence Romanians have in their Government has been on the rise since last autumn, before the parliamentary election, and equals the rate reported in the spring of 2012, according to the latest Eurobarometer report, made public on Tuesday.
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta went on a visit to Madrid.
The London-based country analysis and consulting business Economic Intelligence Unit says Romania will report a 2.4% economic growth rate this year.
The Romanian Government is working on a new salary draft law for the public sector.
Romanias president Traian Basescu on Wednesday paid an official visit to the Republic of Moldova, aimed at consolidating relations with this country.
Monetary Fund, European Commission and European Central Bank experts travel to Bucharest to negotiate a new 2-year precautionary agreement with Romania, following last months completion of a similar accord.
Secondary school graduates can finally breath a sigh of relief as the Education Ministry has made available the list of high schools they will attend as of September.
From regrets to excuses …These are some of the diverse reactions triggered by the prison sentence passed on the former Romanian transportation minister Relu Fenechiu.
The French PM Jean-Marc Ayrault has recently paid a visit to Romania during which he met with high-ranking Romanian officials.
The new law on the statute of MPs has come into force, after being signed into law by the president.