The National Culture Day is celebrated in Romania on January the 15th, concurrently with the anniversary of poet Mihai Eminescu. This is not a...
The National Culture Day is celebrated in Romania on January the 15th, concurrently with the anniversary of poet Mihai Eminescu. This is not a...
Last year, the rate of inflation in Romania was little above 1.5%, but almost one percent lower than the target set by the National Bank of Romania
Analysts unanimously believe that European funds should have been the safety belt of the Romanian economy, which has been in a prolonged period of...
After a long break, Social-Democrat leader Prime Minister Victor Ponta and National Liberal Party leader Crin Antonescu appeared together in public...
The absorption of European funds continues to be a hard nut to crack for the Romanian authorities.
The Social Liberal Union on Monday made public its projects for 2014.
A member of NATO, involved in field operations in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Irak and a strategic partner of Washington, playing host to numerous...
Assistant Secretary of State at the US Department of State Victoria Nuland made a visit to Romania.
The full liberalisation of the European employment market for Romanian and Bulgarian workers on 1st January has not yet brought about higher demands...
12 days after EU labour markets were liberalised, the feared inflow of Romanian and Bulgarian workers has not happened.
Post-communist Romania does not have a tradition of long-lasting political associations. Apparently invulnerable in opposition, all alliances and...
Following rising tension within the ruling coalition, its members are considering rediscussing their association to prevent a split.
The Board of the National Bank of Romania has decided, in its first session this year, to cut the mandatory minimum reserves for liabilities in the...
From January 1st until June 30th, Greece will be chairing the meetings of the 28 member EU Council whose job is to adopt legislation and coordinate...