Full support for neighboring Ukraines sovereignty, integrity and European aspirations, this is the message conveyed by the Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean
Some 15 million young people across the EU are jobless, while the lack of measures to integrate them into the labour market exposes them to poverty,...
Soaring youth unemployment and illiteracy rank high on the EUs priority agenda. Romania makes no exception, as the Member State with the highest percentage of jobless young people.
The platform of the new Romanian government, which Prime Minister Victor Ponta will present in Parliament this week, focuses on simplifying taxation...
One of the best Romanian footballers in the past 30 years, former international Gica Popescu, whose life has unexpectedly taken a different turn, has...
The new government in Bucharest is to present its objectives in Parliament.
The situation of former great footballer Gica Popescu, who is presently serving a prison sentence, has impressed many Romanians and his pardon has become an issue of national interest.
Gathered in Brussels for an emergency summit, the EU heads of state and government on Thursday decided to take a series of political sanctions...
European leaders are making efforts to come up with solutions to ease tensions in Ukraine.
This week President Traian Basescu has promulgated a law regulating the sale of agricultural land. According to the authorities, this is a very good...
With its 14 million hectares of agricultural land, considerably cheaper than in other EU countries, Romania is attractive to foreign investors who seek to buy land.
After months of hesitation between various options to close the pan-European corridor IV and to connect Romania’s western and eastern borders, the...
The new cabinet made up of the Social Democratic Party, the Conservative Party, the National Union for the Progress of Romania and the Democratic...
Romanias brand new government was sworn in on Wednesday
The employees of Dacia Renault, in the southern Romanian city of Pitesti, protested against the governments policy for the automobile industry