Lowering employers' contribution to the Social Security Fund is supported by everybody in Romania, but evidence is needed to prove the measure is sustainable.
A hybrid war -- this is how President Traian Basescu has described the conflict in eastern Ukraine, not far from the border with Romania. The...
Romanian President Traian Basescu calls on EU to impose harsher sanctions on Russia.
The string of violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip has prompted the Romanian authorities to take action
The European Union and the United States have adopted new sanctions against Russia
Former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker has been confirmed as the next president of the Eruopean Commission.
Negotiations between the President and the Prime Minister of Romania on a 5% reduction in the Social Security Contributions (CAS) for employers have ended in a deadlock.
Last month, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine made further steps towards the European Union.
Though not contested in principle, the reduction of the contribution to the social security fund raises questions with regard to its sustainability.
The latest sociological and demographic data show that Romanians migration towards Western countries is causing little to no trouble in destination countries.
The poetry team at Londons Southbank Centre has worked on a list of fifty greatest modern love poems of the past 50 years.
The summer session of the 2014 baccalaureate exam has just ended in Romania.
The shares of Electrica electricity distribution company are now being traded on the London Stock Exchange.
The Association and Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union was ratified by the Chisinau and Bucharest parliaments on the same day
Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta has hailed the reelection of Martin Schulz as President of the European Parliament.