PM Theresa May signed the letter that formally begins the UKs departure from the European Union.
The conference dubbed “Ever Closer Union – The Legacy of the Treaties of Rome for Todays Europe was held in Bucharest on Monday.
Britain will deploy Eurofighter Typhoon multirole combat aircraft for NATO missions in the Black Sea area, that are to be stationed in Romania for four months beginning May this year.
The Rome Summit marked the start of a serious debate on the future of the Union
Every year, March 27th marks Bessarabia's Unification with Romania
In Bucharest, the representatives of interior ministry employees and railway workers have negotiated pay rises with the administration.
The UK is the latest country to join the list of countries targeted by terrorist attacks in the last two years, alongside Belgium, France and Germany
One year after the introduction of the smoking ban in Romania, things look good, both in terms of health and revenues
Romania's Supreme Defence Council has approved the country's mandate at the NATO summit in Brussels due on May 25th. Romania's expectations...
The Supreme Defence Council approves Romania's mandate for upcoming NATO summit and updated version of its army-equipping programme
The authorities are looking for solutions abroad for Romanian patients in need of immediate lung transplant.
The anti-corruption fight in Romania has been said to start overshadowing the so-called “Clean Hands operation whereby in the early 1990s Italian prosecutors exposed political corruption.
Cracks are starting to appear in the ruling coalition in Bucharest only three months since a categorical victory in the parliamentary elections of December 11th
Romanias national rugby squad has won this years edition of the Rugby Europe Championship, the second-tier European inter-nations competitions
The European Commission will support Romania in its efforts to improve absorption of EU funds.