The government in Bucharest is considering new fiscal measures.
The European Parliament is ready to negotiate with the Member States on the posted workers directive.
The ruling coalition last week decided to modify the laws on the judiciary via a legislative initiative instead of a Government decree
Bucharest is currently hosting the National Theatre Festival
The date of 25th October 1944 is celebrated as the day when the Romanian territories were liberated, an action that involved over 520,000 Romanian troops.
Some 530 people have been released from prisons in Romania, and another 3,300 hope to share their fate. Forced by a decision of the European Court of Human Rights, Romania has introduced the law on compensatory appeal
The Romanian Government introduces new taxes, fees and contributions for employees and employers as of January 1, 2018
Scheduled for Spring 2019, Britains divorce from the EU is by no means smooth. After five rounds of talks and in spite of the efforts made by negotiators, divergences linger on and progress has not been substantial
Centrifugal tendencies have been affecting Europes unity
The European commissioner for health and food safety Vytenis Andriukaitis has visited Romania against the background of Europes trying to solve the problem of double standards in food quality.
Romanian trade unions and employers associations are contesting the economic and social policies of the Bucharest Government.
The controversial justice law package proposed by justice minister Tudorel Toader is going to be debated by Romanias Parliament
The ruling coalition has announced the pension law will be delayed until 2018
Romania is to take part in the European Unions defence initiative.
The Parliament of Romania has adopted new measures targeting healthcare and teaching staff.