Optimising troops mobility forms part of NATOs overall strategy, and Romania has a very important role in that, too, said the United States ambassador to NATO ahead of an interministerial meeting in Brussels.
The Chamber of Deputies has endorsed a bill regulating salaries in public education, and the Senate is expected to cast the final vote on the new piece of legislation.
Amending the Fiscal Code by the Social-Democratic Party-ALDE ruling coalition in Bucharest continues to spark off disputes
As of Sunday evening, civil society has again taken centre stage in Romania
The discontent triggered by justice laws amendments as well as by the envisaged fiscal measures have brought many Romanians to the streets of their cities
Romania is ready to provide information to, guide and support Romanian citizens and companies in the UK all throughout Brexit, says the minister delegate for European Affairs, Victor Negrescu, who paid a working visit to the UK
Romanias president Klaus Iohannis on Thursday leveled some harsh criticism at the governments planned fiscal measures, asking it to drop them.
Romanias vice-champions FCSB have qualified to the round of last 32 in Europa League following Thursdays matches
The draft justice laws continue to be at the centre of heated public debates in Bucharest
One of the big trade union organizations in Romania, Cartel Alfa, has asked for the resignation of the labor minister, Lia Olguţa Vasilescu
Radio Romania today celebrates 89 years of broadcasting
The budget bill for 2018 will be approved by early December, announced the Social Democrats leader and Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea.
Bucharest follows closely and with interest the recent events in the Spanish region of Catalonia.
The victims of the 2015 Colectiv night club fire have been recently commemorated
Romanian tennis player Simona Halep ends the year in the first position in WTA standings.