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Radio Romania Culture Awards

The 21st edition of Radio Romania Culture Awards Gala was held on the stage of the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest

Radio Romania Culture Awards
Radio Romania Culture Awards

, 23.07.2022, 14:00

The 21st edition of Radio Romania Culture (RRC) Awards Gala was recently held on the stage of the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest, after two years of absence caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. Radio Romania Culture Awards Gala is the only event that grants awards in all areas of culture in Romania. During this anniversary edition awards were granted for the most important achievements of the Romanian culture in 2021. The Radio Romania Culture Excellence Award went to medical doctor Cătălin Denciu and the Intensive Care Unit team of the Piatra-Neamt County Hospital, as these people put their lives in danger to save their patients during a tragic fire in 2020. The special award for education went to the mathematics training platform MateX.xyz. The platform was created by 8 Olympiad participants with the aim of preparing poor 8th graders, online, for the National Assessment.

The special prize for science was awarded to the founder of Graphs.ro, Dragoș Vana. His platform presented data on the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic in Romania, on a daily basis, as well as information about the anti-COVID vaccination campaign. Started as a personal project, with personal resources, in April 2020, Graphs.ro has become a reference source and an indispensable tool for tracking the evolution of the pandemic in Romania. The special prize for literature was awarded to the bookshop ‘La Două bufnițe – ‘At Two Owls from Timisoara, a large-scale cultural project, an example of cultural survival in the difficult days of lockdown.

Here are Raluca Selejan and Oana Doboşi, the founders of the bookshop At Two Owls, upon receiving the Special Prize for Literature awarded by RRC: We thank RRC and the jury who nominated us for this award. It is an award that comes at a time when we were almost ready to put down our weapons after two very difficult years, but the award reminds us that a beautiful community was formed around our bookshop, that supports us when it is very difficult for us, without knowing that it is very difficult for us. We want to thank our parents who have always supported us and thanks to whom our bookshop has survived and all our friends. The pandemic has been a difficult time because in our country, as you know, books are not essential, bookshops are not protected by law, we do not have a law on a single book price, so the only ones who can protect this market and the books are the readers. We also want to thank the teacher and writer Daniel Vighi, who believed in us as few people believed in us when we were very young, who encouraged us to become what we are today and from whom we learned that in literature there is no weekend, vacation or holidays. Its from Daniel Vighi that we also learned that the greatest joy which literature brings is that moment of solitude when the reader meets the text, and that is why we hope to bring as many books as possible as close as possible to the readers. We are urging you to support physical bookshops because booksellers are very fondly waiting for you.

Simona Popescu received a prize at Radio Romania Culture Awards Gala for her book ‘Cartea plantelor și animalelor – ‘The Book of Plants and Animals (Nemira Publishing House). Simona Popescu is the author of the poetry volumes ‘Xilofonul şi alte poeme – ‘Xylophone and other poems (1990), ‘Pauză de respir – ‘Pause for breath (together with Andrei Bodiu, Caius Dobrescu and Marius Oprea, (1991), Juventus, (1994), reprinted entirely in the collection Opera poetica (2021), and ‘Lucrări în verde. Pledoaria mea pentru poezie – ‘Works in green. My Plea for Poetry (2006). She wrote the novel Exuvii (1997; seven editions until 2021), a volume of essays, Volubilis (1998), and books of critifiction about the surrealist poet Gellu Naum, ‘Salvarea speciei. Despre suprarealism și Gellu Naum – ‘Saving the Species. On Surrealism and Gellu Naum (2000) and ‘Clava. Critificțiune cu Gellu Naum – ‘Clava. Critifiction with Gellu Naum (2004).

Here is Simona Popescu: I thank the jury and I feel honored to receive an award granted by RRC. Thank you for stopping in my garden with an opening to the sea and to the ocean, the garden being a metaphor for my book. It is a book of over 300 pages, with dozens of plants and animals, which are, in fact, pretexts to talk about the wide world, about the human species, not just about plants and animals, and to touch upon several themes of literature, be they great, small or average. My good thoughts go to my good friends who were also nominated, Ștefania Mihalache and Miruna Vlada, and of course to all those who wrote good and very good poetry books, and also other books, in 2021.

In the Prose category, Alina Nelega received an award for the novel ‘un nor în formă de cămilă – ‘a cloud in the shape of a camel (Polirom Publishing House) and in the Theatre category, Andrei Mureșanu Theatre in Sfântu Gheorghe received an award for the show ‘Consimțământ – ‚Consent by Evan Placey, directed by Radu Afrim. The film ‘Otto Barbarul – ‘Otto the Barbarian, directed by Ruxandra Ghițescu, received the RRC Award in the Film category, and the four solo exhibitions by Mircia Dumitrescu were awarded in the Visual Arts category. The prize in the Science category went to Răzvan Cherecheș, Director of the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, for the campaign to promote the anti-COVID public health measures in Romania. In the Music category, Nicu Alifantis & Zan received an award for the album Dimov • Leoneed is love, and in the Education category, the Narada Association received an award for their projects that bring the technology of the 21st century closer to education. (LS)

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