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The Piatra Craiului National Park

Piatra Craiului is one of the most spectacular mountain massifs of Romania, where you will find the highest calcareous crest in the country, that exceeds 2,000 meters and a unique landscape, with many abrupt areas.

The Piatra Craiului National Park
The Piatra Craiului National Park

, 25.08.2016, 13:49

The richness of plant and animal species on this mountain is impressive, accounting for almost one third of the total flora species existing in Romania. The Piatra Craiului National Park spans almost 15 thousand hectares and tourists in the area have the opportunity to visit virgin forests, to go on observation trips during which they can watch brown bears in their habitat, from closed observers, to practice mountaineering and bouldering, to visit the Romanian traditional sheepfolds and to go riding.

Mircea Verghelet, the director of the Piatra Craiului National Park Administration, explains why Piatra Craiului is a unique massif of Romania: “It is a special area of Romania because, in comparison with other mountains, it is the only one to reach altitudes of more than 2,000 meters, the basic stone being limestone. Limestone creates spectacular forms of relief in all of Romania’s massifs, but in Piatra Craiului the calcareous area is quite impressive. There are abrupt calcareous mountain walls, especially on the western side, on the so-called western walls of Piatra Craiului. Here you will find the most spectacular trekking routes.”

Those who come here know that trekking routes are spectacular, the area being preferred by all climbers. There are many vertical walls in the Zarnesti Gorges. All famous climbers, even those who climbed the Himalaya, went to the Zarnesti Gorges to train. There are routes for all climbers, you don’t need to be a professional climber. For more information on these routes go to the Park’s website www.pcari.ro, which has also an English language version. The site provides a detailed map of all routes, shelters, points of attraction of the national park. The map can be viewed by means of Google Earth.

Mircea Verghelet: “This very week we have opened the Visiting Center of the Piatra Craiului National Park. It is actually a museum of the massif where tourists can find information about Piatra Craiului, about the flora and fauna species to be found in the park, about local traditions and products such as special types of cheese. At the centre visitors can see a 10-minute documentary about how fermented cheese in fir tree bark is made. The Visiting Center has many interactive elements among which dioramas. There is also a three-dimensional model of the massif which shows the maps of trekking routes, of shelters, the distribution of soils and habitats. All information presented in our centre is both in Romanian and English and we also have information boards in Braille for the blind people on the trekking routes.”

The area boasts important tourists objectives such as Bran Castle, which is located on the park’s southern border. Also in the south there is the Dambovicioara Cave. Not far from the park, at a distance of almost 25 kms, there is the city of Brasov, which offers tourists a wide range of historical and tourist attractions.

The Piatra Craiului National Park Administration is making efforts to keep the landscape unchanged as many new constructions have lately emerged in the area, such as villas and hotels. Visitors of the area can enjoy traditional dishes prepared by the very owners of guesthouses. The park boasts a wide variety of habitats for a multitude of plant species. Amateurs of ecological tourism are keen on admiring the more than 30 species of orchids in the Piatra Craiului Mountains and the big carnivorous animals. These are hard to spot in the wild, but they can be seen at the bear observatories against payment of a fee.

Mircea Verghelet; “We have a growing chamois population. The chamois have changed their behaviour, mostly due to the fact that for the last 15 years hunting has been officially banned in Piatra Craiului National Park. To our great satisfaction, these animals can sometimes be spotted even five or six meters from the ridge. Usually, those who climb to alpine or subalpine heights are sure to come across some chamois. And if they are lucky they can even see bears or some wood grouses. We have over 120 bird species present in the park. Our visiting fee is charged between May 1 and October 31. We have ticket machines in the park area, by the main entrances. One such vending machine is in the very centre of Zarnesti, by the Post office, close to a tourist information centre of the City Hall. There is also one at the headquarters of the Park Authority, and one by the Plaiul Foii guesthouse. You can also purchase tickets on the telephone, via text messages, or online, on the webpage of the Piatra Craiului National Park”.

Starting this year, the Park also offers biking routes: “We even have a map of all hiking tracks, created by the park authority. This map also displays special tracks for bikers, and we will try to make available special signage and markings for these bike trails”.

Despite the easy access, the peaks of Piatra Craiului are a very difficult climb, with many steep gravel paths. The Park Authority recommends all hikers to use appropriate mountain gear, including hiking boots, raincoats and take with them lots of water, as the alpine and subalpine areas have no water source. And of course, to always stay on the marked trail.

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