As early as the autumn of 1944 anti-communist and anti-Soviet resistance groups were formed in the Romanian mountains. Soldiers, students, peasants,...
An iconic figure of the struggle against communism was a peasant, Elisabeta Rizea from the village of Nucşoara.
On April 4th, 1944, a few hundred American bombers took off from Foggia, in Italy, to survey the Romanian air space and bomb targets of economic importance.
Fascist and authoritarian right-wing regimes coming to power all over Europe in the late 30s, massively relied on the radio as a means of propaganda, in a bid to gain legitimacy and consolidate their position. The same things happened in Romania.
King Carol II of Romania was the type that would declare open conflict even to members of his own family.
In March 1948, a Resolution by the Cominform (the Communist Information Bureau) condemned Yugoslavia and its leader Tito as traitors of the communist cause and agents of the capitalist regime. As the conflict burst out between the USSR and Yugoslavia, the
During Modernity, the Romanian Principalities witnessed the widest political, administrative, economic, social and cultural transformation in their history.
Bucharest came under heavy Allied bombardment in April 1944, when the country was still fighting on the side of Nazy Germany.
Find out more about the socialist ideas circulating in Romania at the start of the 20th century.
In theory, weapons and sacred areas should not coexist, but people of yore had a different mindset.
In the first half of the 19th century, the modern Romanian state was taking shape against the background of major shifts in international relations.
Iosif Vissarionovici Stalin went down in history as the cruelest criminal.
Dimitrie Gusti is the most important Romanian sociologist of the first half of the 20th Century.
Personal correspondence was one of the preferred sources of information for the Securitate, the political police in communist Romania.
An outlook on the history and social perceptions of Szeckler insignia.