WWII split Germany in two, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany.
One of the largest-scale projects in Romania after 1945
In the early 19th century satirical songs were enjoyed by both the upper and lower classes.
The Goma Movement, named after novelist Paul Goma, the initiator of the protest, was one of the most important forms of protest by Romanian society against the communist regime.
Romanias Great Union Centennial has also entailed the participation of others in the Great War and their contribution to eliminate the effects of war
At the end of WWII, the Romanians in Austria formed the National Romanian Committee to lobby the Allies for mutual help
Starting mid 19th century, Bucharest has gone through several stages of urban development.
On March 27th 1918, the Country Council, the legislative body of the Moldovan Republic or of Bessarabia as it is also known, that had been annexed by tsarist Russia in 1812, voted in favour of its union with Romania.
Initially, the movement emerged in 1972 in the form of a literary circle, made up of nine members, at a high-school in Sannicolau Mare, against the...
The only “samizdat circulating in Romania that went beyond its borders was “Ellenpontok, or “Counterpoints
Click here for a look at the Romanian-American relations after 1945
The Greek-Catholic Church or the Romanian Church United with Rome was established around 1700 in Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures, territories in the Hapsburg Empire inhabited by ethnic Romanians.
In the second half of the 19th century, Romanian physicians who had studied abroad, in Western Europe, founded medical treatment and education institutes to fight against disease and instruct doctors.
In Romania, the effects of Khrushchevs de-Stalinization rhetoric were contradictory
Some of the most popular jokes during the Communist regime were the ones featuring the fictional radio station Radio Yerevan