Actualitatea românească - Romanian news and current affairs show was a landmark for Radio Free Europe's listeners
Starting in the 1950s, Radio Free Europe together with the Voice of America, the BBC, Radio France and Deutsche Welle were synonymous with the free...
At the end of the 1930s, war seemed imminent in Europe.
Radio Romania has been, in its 91 years of existence, an actor and an observer of history
Petru Groza was one of the most complex of characters in the history of Romania after WWII. Born in 1884 in Hunedoara county, in Transylvania, Groza...
The history of social democracy in Romania begins in late 19th century, in 1893, with the emergence of the Social Democratic Workers Party
Radio Romania has been a national project right from the start
Shortly after 1945, the Soviet Union occupied had half of Europe, it imposed its own political economic and social model
Next to universal suffrage, protests are the ultimate manifestation of free expression in modern society
At the end of WWI, the victory of the Allies did not mean that peace was easily come by.
In the spring of 1944, the Hungarian authorities in Northern Transylvania started sending the Jewish population to the ghettos.
World War I, after 4 years of bloody conflict and tragedy, did not come to an end suddenly. It left every individual, ethnic and political group, and every nation feeling profound trauma.
In the 19th century, the Romanian intellectuals and society were trying to achieve the nation state.
A brief timeline of the events that day