The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest has recently hosted an event to mark 40 years since the first spaceflight of a Romanian cosmonaut
In agreement with its partners in the Alliance, Romania decided to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan
Never in the history of Europe have there been more people to enjoy a longer lifespan.
Against an increasingly complex security situation, NATO takes measures to cope with current and future challenges.
Renewable energy sources and their impact on global climate change
The deep fake technology, which emerged in 2017, is gaining ground
The deep fake technology, which emerged in 2017, is gaining ground
Among the measures taken against the spread of COVID-19 is the shift to online learning
In 2022, Romania and other EU member states will hold a Census of Population and Households
In 2022, Romania and other EU member states will hold a Census of Population and Households
Romania is a country with a long tradition in mining, which is still producing much of its energy with coal
The WHO estimates that air pollution claims over seven million lives across the world
The first official visit to the Republic of Moldova was that of the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis
Democrat Joe Biden succeeds the outgoing US president Donald Trump
The pandemic took by surprise and upended the entire world, and put an exceptional burden on researchers