A long-distance trail crossing Romania
Nearly one-quarter of Romanian children up to 17 years of age have had a parent working abroad
Climb Again in Bucharest is a sports club for children and youth with disabilities
In Romania, 62% of inhabitants have never stepped into a museum, and only 33% go in once or several times a year
The earthquakes that hit Turkey in February brought to the forefront a special category of rescuers
Teenage mothers have 10% of all births in Romania
A dramatic reality, encountered in all European countries, gender violence is equally present in Romania
A look at an experimentation-based method of teaching science initiated in Romania twelve years ago.
Recently, in Romania, the NGO Center for Sustainable Policies Ecopolis, measured the effects of polluted air on Bucharest residents
The trials and tribulations of doing your job in a toxic environment
Seven out of ten Romanians go to the mall at least once a week
Being able to afford a place to live in Romania: landlord or tenant?
80% of child abuse accusations between 2014 and 2020 were filed away without criminal investigations
Criticized for a long time and with regard to many aspects, Romania's education system has been trying all sorts of versions of reform