May 2013 has been declared “European Month of the Brain, a full month packed with events and activities across the EU.
The “Food Revolution movement initiated by the English chef Jamie Oliver has earned a great deal of supporters in Romania.
“The situation of mass media freedom and pluralism in the European Union is worsening. This is the opening sentence of an appeal urging the European Commission to draft a Directive for the Protection of Media Pluralism and Freedom of the Press. The appea
Children drop out of school before finishing their obligatory school cycle for a wide range of reasons.
At a time when we are swamped by news about how bad for us much of the food on the market is, and how our nutrition habits are anything but nutritious, we definitely need a change. European institutions have been on the issue for years now, coming up with
Most people doing volunteer work are youngsters. To reward their efforts and dedication, the entire month of April is devoted to them at the Volunteers Fest.
Romania has a number of state schools that are run by certain churches, the so called confessional schools.
The Internet is now an integrating part of young people and childrens universe, but also a possibly dangerous place, especially for children.
The most disadvantaged category in the countryside is women, even though 56.6% of Romanian women live in villages.
The Romanian undergraduate education system has undergone many changes in the past 20 years.
For over 2 years, there have been problems in the supply of more than 20 chemotherapy drugs in Romania.
40,000 Romanian teachers have left the education system in the last three years. Find out why.
In times of financial crisis, and not only, in a world in which time is slipping through our fingers like sand, and our schedules and agendas are full, wondering whether there is still room for dating should not sound odd.
Shortly after the fall of communism, when the borders opened, the most studious Romanians saw their dream of learning in a prestigious foreign university about to come true.
According to an old Romanian saying, being a mother is the hardest job of all, not to mention being unpredictable, as weve seen in recent years in Romania. Only one year after the Romanian authorities modified the provisions regulating parental leave, th