Romanians get bombarded every day by e-mails advertising more and more sophisticated courses for gifted children, playing on parents’ wishful...
For decades, Romania has been boasting the exceptional results obtained by gifted children in international competitions, used as a justification for maintaining the current sweeping under the rug the ways in which it fails regular children.
Migration is an old phenomenon, and it sometimes falls short of the expectations of the people involved.
A feature on the crisis currently facing mass media in Romania
The Romanian National Art Museum runs special programmes for schools, families, teens and adults.
Reading is no longer considered a priority by the youth of today. A recent survey conducted by the Romanian Institute for Social Policies shows that 22% of young people have never read a book, while 1 in 5 people has read only one book.
A source of not only fresh air and biodiversity, but also jobs, the forest currently covers only 27% of Romanias territory, which is 6.4 million hectares.
The European Commission has again asked for the European citizens' opinion related to the changes brought to the Common Agricultural Policy.
A charitable initiative devoted to children suffering from heart diseases.
Against the backdrop of the economic crisis and the disappearance of many print papers, we discover fewer political cartoons in daily newspapers, describing some events on a humorous note.
An educational project run by the European Parliament jointly with the European Commission Representation.
“Dementia must be recognized as a public health issue in Romania, this is the message opening the 2014 National Alzheimer Conference held a few weeks ago. The conference called for a national plan for dealing with dementia, called the National Action Str
Romania teenagers can learn more about their countrys recent past in an optional course about the history of communism.
So as an absolute first, World Radio Day was celebrated on February 13, 2012, when United Nations also celebrated 66 years since the set up of its...
By means of the PISA evaluation programme conducted last year, the Romanian society had the opportunity to compare the level of knowledge and training of the Romanian students with that of the students from 64 countries around the world.