UNIFEST, the biggest university festival in Romania, has just come to an end.
Homeless people are a common presence on Romanias streets, especially in the capital
Putting an end to school dropout, though an emergency for Romanian education, has not seen any progress in the past years
Mobbing or psychological bullying at the workplace is growing more and more familiar
A series of private initiatives aimed at encouraging children to read books have appeared in Romania.
A signatory of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women, Romania has also had, since 2012, a law against...
Volunteering has become more and more popular in Romania in recent years, attracting many young people.
During the communist regime, given the boom in forced industrialization, engineering became the most sought after profession. Admission...
ARCEN and InterestingTimes Bureau have been inviting us to discover Romanias capital city
The percentage of university graduates in Romania is the smallest in the EU
Bullying is a worrying phenomenon, in terms of scope and psychological effects
“Mens sana in corpore sano is nowadays gaining new meanings around the world
Volunteering is probably the noblest form of showing that you care! Anywhere in this world and at any moment, someone could need help for life, help that can be offered by anyone of us
10 years after Romania joined the EU, the country made significant progress in addressing poverty.
Discrimination against women is an issue still facing Romanian society