3.4 million Romanians left the country between 2007 and 2017, according to official reports.
Romania is famous for the beauty of its natural landscapes and its wildlife, mostly due to its mountains.
More than 1.5 million Romanians earn less than 3 Euros per day
One of the problems facing Romanian families is domestic violence.
Theater-going may be an effective therapy in the fight against depression
Along with the IT revolution and the diversification of digital devices, benefits and advantages have been accompanied by disadvantages...
Romania is still facing a crisis of organ donors.
Many voices have been heard lately speaking of the little attention paid to female artists in Romania. So
Number of teachers with a low attachment to democratic values is worrying
The Romanian education system continues to lack performance.
4 in 5 Romanian teenagers have been the target of cyber bullying.
As civic participation is on the rise in Romania, womens activism has become more visible, too.
Schools in Romania are faced with a phenomenon that promotes violence among pupils
Accommodation is one of the biggest problems students in Romania struggle with