Romania is becoming a country of destination of more and more migrants.
Global Shapers Bucharest Hub is a group of young enthusiasts who, under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum, work together to find solutions to local, regional and global challenges to our society.
Children's Board in Bucharest
'The place of disabled children is next to all other children, in the community, school, and family'
According to a recent survey 86% of the Romanian respondents believe that global warming is a serious issue. These figures are encouraging as compared to the year 2009 when only 16% of the Romanians were worried by the phenomenon
'The Drama of the Inner Child – Attachment and Empathy' debate
A private health clinic in Romania provides free of charge surgery for low-income patients
This special feature is devoted to Christmas traditions in Romania.
Surveys show that many people in Romania still believe it was better during the Communist regime
Located in the seismic region of Vrancea, Romanias capital city, Bucharest, stands good chances to be hit by two major earthquakes a century as it happened back in 1940 and 1977, when the city was devastated by two powerful earthquakes of 7.4 degrees on
On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was ratified by Romania too.
The DOR Guide for Social Entrepreneurship
Reports of bullying are on the rise in Romanian schools