HIV-AIDS continues to be a health issue all over the world
In Romania, the number of institutionalized children within the social protection system stands at around 60 thousand.
Most of the people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic have ages between 45 and 54, come from small towns or villages around Romania and have poor education, shows an IPSOS survey conducted over May 11th and 17th this year
A crowded city like Bucharest poses many problems in times of pandemic
The situation of workers is in a dire state in Romania, just as it is in all other EU states, with high rates of furloughs and unemployment
Romanian NGOs help the disabled and the needy in times of crisis
The pandemic is aggravating the situation of certain vulnerable social categories
The pandemic is aggravating the situation of certain vulnerable social categories
The virtual medium remains the main alternative to classroom teaching
A new programme aimed at getting the young generation more involved in society issues
The Good House has worked wonders for the children of Ferentari
The state of emergency in Romania brought with it various restrictive measures applied gradually
Women today are faced with problems that civil society has a poor understanding of
Save the Children organization sounds the alarm on the risks children are currently exposed to while using the Internet